Amarillo Bioscience - ein aussichtsreicher Wert!

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6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzBabel Fish übersetzung ;-)))

31.05.10 10:52

Diätetische Ergänzung der Amarillo-Biowissenschaften für trockenen Mund Maxisal startete in Deutschland

Diätetischer Bestandteil leitete von den Tieren in den Texas-Zufuhr-Yards ab, um zu helfen, Gesundheit zu fördern

Pressekommuniqué-Quelle: Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. am Freitag, dem 28. Mai 2010, 8:55 morgens EDT

AMARILLO, TX--(Marketwire - 05/28/10) - Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (ABI) (OTC.BB: AMAR - Nachrichten) heute verkündet, dass Maxisal, seine diätetische Ergänzung, zum von Speichel- Funktion zu erhöhen, des Mundkomforts zu fördern und zu helfen, trockenen Mund wieder zu erleben, in Deutschland ( gestartet worden ist. Maxisal wird in Deutschland vom Lizenznehmer Egofocus OHG vermarktet ABIS, das in Darmstadt angesiedelt wird. Der erste Zielmarkt in Deutschland ist Krebspatienten. Es gibt über 400 Medikationen, einschließlich einige Onkologiedrogen, die trockenen Mund als strenge Nebenwirkung verursachen. Indem sie Maxisal nehmen, können Krebspatienten in der Lage sein, ein von mindestens den Nebenwirkungen der Krebstherapie zu entlasten. Maxisal wurde zuerst für Verkauf angeboten, nachdem klinische Studien in den Themen mit Sjogrens dem Syndrom (gekennzeichnet durch trockene Augen und trockenen Mund) dass der Bestandteil Maxisal in erheblich verbessertem Mundkomfort und in verringerter Mund- und Kehletrockenheit berichteten.

„Gegründet auf der vorteilhaften Aufnahme Maxisal hat sich in den US getroffen -- welches wir dem klinischen Produkt und Sicherheitsnutzen zuschreiben, sowie angemessene Kosten -- wir erwarten völlig, dass es in Deutschland erfolgreich ist,“ sagten Dr. Joseph Cummins, Präsident und Vorstandsvorsitzende, ABI.

Separat verkündete die Firma, dass sie einen diätetischen Bestandteil vorbereitet hat, damit natürliche Nahrungsmittelverteiler als diätetische Ergänzung vermarkten. Der Bestandteil wird von den Tieren in den Zufuhryards des TexasPanhandle abgeleitet.

„Nachdem mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrungsprüfung cytokines, in den Tieren und im Mann, wir einen neuartigen diätetischen Bestandteil entwickelt haben, der von den Wiederkäuern abgeleitet wird,“ sagte Dr. Joseph Cummins. „Wir suchen Verteiler der diätetischen Ergänzungen weltweit und haben Diskussionen in den USA, im Porzellan und im Südamerika eingeleitet. Das Tierprodukt ist im Juni vorhanden und Einkommen von beiden der diätetischen Ergänzungen werden erwartet, um der Firmakapital zu helfen seine FDA-klinischen Studien des menschlichen mündlichinterferon in Grippe und in Hepatitis C,“ addierter Dr. Cummins.

Über Amarillo-Biowissenschaften
Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. ist ein US-Biotechnologieunternehmenbetrieb in der globalen Teilhaberschaft mit der Hayashibara Gruppe, die auch 6% von Amarillo-Biowissenschaftanteilen hält und über $18 Million in den Darlehen, in den Bewilligungen und in den Billigkeits-Investitionen zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Der Primärfokus der Firma ist umfangreicher und laufender R&D in den Gebrauch von Niedrigdosis, mündlich ausgeübtes Interferon als Behandlung für eine Vielzahl von Bedingungen, einschließlich Grippe, Hepatitis C, chronischen Husten und opportunistische Infektion bei Patienten, die HIV-POSITIV sind. Die Firma hat fast $40 Million investiert, um Mundinterferon als therapeutisches Mittel herzustellen. Die Majorität jener Kapital wurden in den klinischen Studien in einer Bemühung, FDA-Zustimmung für Interferon zu erzielen investiert. Zusätzliche Information ist auf dem Netz bei vorhanden.

Außer den historischen Informationen, die hierin enthalten werden, sind die Sachen, die in dieser Pressenotiz beraten über werden, vorausschauende Aussagen, die Risiken und Ungewissheiten, einschließlich die Ungewissheiten miteinbeziehen, die auf Produktentwicklung, die Ungewissheiten bezogen werden, die auf der Notwendigkeit an regelndem bezogen werden und andere Regierungszustimmungen, Abhängigkeit auf eigener Technologie, Ungewissheit der Marktannahme anderen von des Munddes interferon oder von anderer Anwärter des Produktes der Firma und riskiert gelegentlich einzeln aufgeführt in den Archivierungen der Firma mit der Börsenaufsichtsbehörde. Insbesondere sehen Sie „Beschreibung des Einzelteil-1. des Geschäfts“ und „des Einzelteils 7A. Qualitative und quantitative Freigabe über Konjunkturrisiko“ der Form 10-K der Firma für das Finanzjahr beendete 31. Dezember 2009.


Beziehungen zwischen den Investoren:
Philippe Niemetz
WANNE Berater, Ltd.
Telefon: 800-477-7570; 212-344-6464
Telefax: 212-618-1276
Joseph M. Cummins, DVM, PhD
Amarillo Biosciences, Inc.
Telefon: 806-376-1741 x 13
Telefax: 806-376-9301

23601 Postings, 6292 Tage Chalifmann3HÄÄÄ ??!!

31.05.10 11:12
Was'n das für ne Schrottaktie ? "....Amarillo" ??!!?? Leute,lasst bloss die finger von diesem OTC-Dreck,diese company ist nicht nur nichts wert,sondern auch noch pleite,das dürfte an DD genügen !!


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzHier der Link zu (D) Homepage ;-)

31.05.10 11:15  Hinweise zur Anwendung

Verwenden Sie MAXISAL 3 x täglich bitte immer ZWISCHEN Höhle Mahlzeiten, indem Sie MAXISAL langsam lutschen. Kauen Oder Schlucken von MAXISAL bringt KEINEN Erfolg. DAS Lutschen der kleinen Tablette kann BIS zu 45 andauern Minuten. Nach Wir-amerikanischen Studien ein vielen Patienten nimmt sterben Wirksamkeit von MAXISAL mit der Häufigkeit der Anwendung zu. Nach 6-wöchiger Anwendung Hut jeder zweite geduldiges gute Speichelproduktion, sterben bei weiterer Einnahme anhält.

Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Erfolg MIT MAXISAL
und eine gute Gesundheit!

Wichtige Hinweise: Als diätetisches Lebensmittel für besondere medizinische Zwecke (ergänzend bilanzierte Diät) ist MAXISAL unter ärztlicher Aufsicht zu verwenden. MAXISAL ist kein vollwertiges Lebensmittel. Einnahme ist kein sterben Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche und ausgewogene Ernährung, sowie eine gesunde Lebensweise. Aufgrund der besonderen Zweckbestimmung Wird von den, nach Anlage 6 zu, das § 14 b DiätV Mengen festgelegten, ein Nährstoffen abgewichen. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren.


98% kristalline wasserfreie Maltose, Trennmittel Magnesiumstearat


72 Postings, 5490 Tage zettmaWo steht das die Pleite sind???

01.06.10 08:48

6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzAmarillo Biosciences Hepatitis C ;-))

09.11.10 22:21
Amarillo Biosciences Issues Progress Report
Press Release Source: Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. On Tuesday November 9, 2010, 3:44 pm

AMARILLO, TX--(Marketwire - 11/09/10) - Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (ABI) (OTC.BB:AMAR - News) today issued the following Progress Report:


  • Hepatitis C: CytoPharm, Inc., ABI's strategic partner in Taiwan is funding a Phase 2 clinical trial of 165 patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. As of the end of October 2010, 124 patients have already been enrolled with full enrollment expected by early 2011. The aim of the trial is to reduce the virologic relapse rate for those patients who have completed the standard combination therapy for hepatitis C, which consists of high dose injectable interferon alpha and Ribavirin. Although most patients respond to the standard therapy, up to 50% of those with certain viral genotypes relapse after treatment. Patients in the study will receive one of two different daily doses of ABI's human interferon alpha lozenges or placebo for 24 weeks, followed by untreated observation for 24 weeks to check for relapse. Preliminary results from this important study are expected to be available before the end of next year.

  • Influenza: In addition to its hepatitis C study, CytoPharm will be funding a study of ABI's interferon-alpha lozenges in the treatment of influenza. The study, which has been approved by the Taiwanese Department of Health, will start in January 2011. Half of the patients with confirmed influenza A infection will be assigned to 5 days of twice daily treatment with interferon lozenges and half will receive placebo. All of the patients will also receive standard treatment with Tamiflu. The aim of the study is to determine if the combination of Tamiflu plus oral interferon is superior to Tamiflu alone in the treatment of influenza.

  • Scientific journal publication on interferon and influenza: The Company's technology will be featured in an upcoming issue of the scientific journal, Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy (EOBT). The editors of the EOBT independently commissioned Dr. Manfred Beilharz to write a review article, which is titled: "Low dose oral interferon alpha: has its time finally come?" This article discusses the various studies in which ABI's low dose interferon-alpha lozenges has been used to successfully treat various human diseases, with a focus on influenza. Dr. Beilharz was one of the investigators of a study in which the Company's interferon-alpha lozenges were found to reduce the incidence of moderate to severe febrile acute respiratory illness (i.e. cold/flu with a fever) when taken daily by healthy volunteers during the winter cold/flu season in Australia.



About Amarillo Biosciences
Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. is a U.S. biotechnology firm operating in global partnership with the Hayashibara Group, which also holds 5.4% of Amarillo Biosciences shares and has provided over $18 million in loans, grants and equity investments. The Company's primary focus is extensive and ongoing R&D into the use of low-dose, orally administered interferon as a treatment for a variety of conditions, including influenza, hepatitis C, chronic cough, and opportunistic infections in patients who are HIV positive. The Company has invested nearly $40 million to establish oral interferon as a therapeutic agent. The majority of those funds were invested in clinical trials in an effort to achieve FDA approval for interferon. Additional information is available on the web at

Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including uncertainties related to product development, uncertainties related to the need for regulatory and other government approvals, dependence on proprietary technology, uncertainty of market acceptance of oral interferon or the Company's other product candidates and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In particular, see "Item 1. Description of Business" and "Item 7A. Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures About Market Risk" of the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009.


Investor Relations:
Philippe Niemetz
PAN Consultants, Ltd.
Tel: 800-477-7570; 212-344-6464
Fax: 212-618-1276
Joseph M. Cummins, DVM, PhD
Amarillo Biosciences, Inc.
Tel: 806-376-1741 x 13
Fax: 806-376-9301


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzTotgesagte leben länger ;-)))

15.11.10 09:49


AMAR has three active human clinical development programs for oral interferon.



Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3






Chronic Cough (COPD)    


Hepatitis C    



Clinical studies have demonstrated that low doses of intranasal or oral interferon are safe and effective at preventing or treating influenza. In the former Soviet Union, approximately 14,000 people participated in controlled studies of placebo versus interferon treatment during a natural outbreak of Hong Kong influenza. Interferon (about 128 units) or placebo was dripped into the nose daily for 5 days starting about the time of the first reported influenza cases. Interferon treatment significantly reduced the number of influenza cases (P<0.01 for all age groups).


The University of Western Australia received a grant from the Department of Health, Government of Western Australia and in May 2009 started a Phase 2 clinical study of oral interferon as prevention/treatment of respiratory illnesses, including influenza, in Perth, Australia. Two hundred (200) healthy volunteers were enrolled to take oral IFN or placebo lozenges once daily for 16 weeks.  Once per week, the study volunteers completed a questionnaire detailing the severity of any cold/flu symptoms experienced, any medications taken, number of days of work missed, etc.  The aim of the study was to determine whether the volunteers who took oral IFN would experience fewer respiratory illnesses and/or less severe symptoms during the 2009 winter cold/flu season in Australia.

The study found that volunteers who took oral interferon had less severe cold/flu symptoms, compared to volunteers who received placebo. Significantly fewer volunteers in the interferon group who had been vaccinated against seasonal influenza had an episode of influenza-like illness during the study, compared to vaccinated volunteers in the placebo group. Additionally, volunteers over the age of 50 (high risk for influenza) experienced fewer episodes of influenza-like illness if they took interferon during the study, compared to those who received placebo.

Follow-up studies are planned during the 2010/11 influenza season. In the US, 200 patients in the third day of a confirmed influenza A/B infection and moderate to severe fever and flu-like symptoms will be treated twice daily for 4 days to see if oral IFN can reduce the duration and severity of influenza illness, compared to placebo.

In Taiwan, 60 patients being treated with Tamiflu for influenza A infection of less than 48 hours’ duration will be randomly assigned to co-treatment with oral IFN or placebo. The aim of the study is to examine whether the combination of oral IFN and Tamiflu is superior to Taimflu alone in the treatment of influenza illness.

For more information on this study, please visit: 

or contact Martin Cummins.

Chronic Cough-COPD

In a pilot study, 5 of 6 patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) reported significant relief of their chronic cough after taking oral interferon.  Reduction in cough resulted in better sleep and an improved quality of life for these IPF patients.

Texas Tech University is currently funding a proof-of-concept study to evaluate oral interferon in the treatment chronic cough in COPD and IPF patients. This experimental clinical study will be a Phase 2 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel trial in which 40 eligible volunteers with IPF- or COPD-associated chronic cough will be randomly assigned to one of two groups in equal numbers to receive either interferon alpha or placebo. Treatment will be given three times daily for 4 weeks, and patients will be followed for 4 weeks post-treatment to assess durability of response. The study will evaluate the ability of interferon alpha to reduce the frequency and severity of chronic cough in COPD patients.

For more information or to participate in this study, please visit: 

or contact: Martin Cummins.

Hepatitis C

CytoPharm, Inc., AMAR’s licensee for Taiwan and China, launched a Phase 2, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study of 165 hepatitis C virus-infected patients in Taiwan in the second quarter of 2009.  The study, which has been approved by both the US FDA and the Taiwanese Department of Health, is designed to test the ability of oral interferon to reduce the virologic relapse rate of patients who have completed standard therapy with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin.  Treatment time is 6 months with 6 months of post treatment observation.  Preliminary results are expected in the second half of 2011.

For more information on this study, please visit:

or contact: Martin Cummins.


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzMaxisal for Indian Market ;-))

16.11.10 16:51
Amarillo Biosciences to Supply Zydus Cadila, India's Fifth Largest Pharmaceutical Company, With Dietary Supplement Maxisal for Indian Marketmarketwire
Press Release Source: Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. On Tuesday November 16, 2010, 10:04 am

AMARILLO, TX--(Marketwire - 11/16/10) - Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (ABI) (OTC.BB:AMAR - News) today announced that it has signed a supply agreement with Zydus Cadila, the fifth largest pharmaceutical company in India, with projected worldwide sales of $1 billion in fiscal year 2010 and $3 billion in 2015. Under this agreement, Zydus will market ABI's dietary supplement Maxisal in India and Nepal. Maxisal enhances salivary function, promotes oral comfort and helps relieve dry mouth.

ABI initially launched Maxisal in the United States after clinical studies in subjects with Sjögren's syndrome (characterized by dry eyes and dry mouth) found that the active ingredient in Maxisal significantly improved mouth comfort and decreased mouth and throat dryness. Maxisal is marketed in Germany by ABI's licensee Egofocus OHG based in Darmstadt.

"Based on the favorable reception Maxisal has met in the U.S., -- which we attribute to the product's clinical benefits and reasonable cost -- we fully expect that it will be successful in India. We are delighted that Zydus Cadila has agreed to market Maxisal and are hopeful that success in India and Nepal will lead them to expand Maxisal into some of the more than 50 other countries in which they currently market products," said Dr. Joseph Cummins, President and CEO, ABI.

About Amarillo Biosciences
Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. is a U.S. biotechnology firm operating in global partnership with the Hayashibara Group, which also holds 5.4% of Amarillo Biosciences shares and has provided over $18 million in loans, grants and equity investments. The Company's primary focus is extensive and ongoing R&D into the use of low-dose, orally administered interferon as a treatment for a variety of conditions, including influenza, hepatitis C, chronic cough, and opportunistic infections in patients who are HIV positive. The Company has invested nearly $40 million to establish oral interferon as a therapeutic agent. The majority of those funds were invested in clinical trials in an effort to achieve FDA approval for interferon. Additional information is available on the web at

About Zydus Cadila
Zydus Cadila is an innovative global pharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of healthcare products. The group's operations range from API to formulations, animal health products and cosmeceuticals. Headquartered in the city of Ahmedabad in India, the group has global operations in four continents spread across USA, Europe, Japan, Brazil, South Africa and 25 other emerging markets. In its mission to create healthier communities globally, Zydus Cadila delivers wide ranging healthcare solutions and value to its customers. With over 11,000 employees worldwide, a world-class research and development centre dedicated to discovery research and eight state-of-the-art manufacturing plants, the group is dedicated to improving people's lives. Additional information is available on the web at

Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including uncertainties related to product development, uncertainties related to the need for regulatory and other government approvals, dependence on proprietary technology, uncertainty of market acceptance of oral interferon or the Company's other product candidates and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In particular, see "Item 1. Description of Business" and "Item 7A. Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures About Market Risk" of the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009.


Investor Relations:
Philippe Niemetz
PAN Consultants, Ltd.
Tel: 800-477-7570; 212-344-6464
Fax: 212-618-1276
Joseph M. Cummins, DVM, PhD
Amarillo Biosciences, Inc.
Tel: 806-376-1741 x 13
Fax: 806-376-9301


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzAmarillo gibt gas + 40%

17.11.10 19:39

6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzWow +62,50% :-)))))

17.11.10 20:18

6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzMaxisal mehr erweitern 50 andere Länder ;-))

19.11.10 09:50

Zydus cadila to market Amarillo's Maxisal in india and nepal

BS Reporter  | 2010-11-18 01:11:00

Ahmedabad based pharma major Zydus Cadila has entered into an agreement with US based Amarillo Biosciences Inc(ABI to market ABI's dietary supplement Maxisal in India and Nepal.

Nasdaq listed ABI has informed the stock exchange in this regard. Maxisal enhances salivary function,promotes oral comfort and helps relieve dry mouth. Amarillo had initially launched Maxisal in the US market after clinical studies in subjects with gren's syndrome (characterised by dry eyes and dry mouth) found that the active ingredient in Maxisal significantly improved mouth comfort and decreased mouth and throat dryness.

Maxisal is marketed in Germany by ABI's licensee Egofocus OHG based in Darmstadt.

"Based on the favorable reception Maxisal has met in the US, which we attribute to the product's clinical benefits and reasonable cost, we fully expect that it will be successful in India. We are delighted that Zydus Cadila has agreed to market Maxisal and are hopeful that success in India and Nepal will lead them to expand Maxisal into some of the more than 50 other countries in which they currently market products," Joseph Cummins, President and CEO, ABI said in a statement. Pankaj Patel, chairman and managing director of Zydus Cadila was unavailable for a comment. Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. is a US based biotechnology firm operating in global partnership with the Hayashibara Group, which also holds 5.4 per cent of Amarillo Biosciences shares and has provided over $18 million in loans, grants and equity investments. Ahmedabad based Intas Pharmaceuticals Limited (Intas) had entered into a strategic partnership with Amarillo Biosciences, Inc (ABI) in December last year, whereby Intas will sponsor clinical trials of ABI's orally administered interferon-alpha lozenges for influenza, and could also be used in combating the H1N1 virus for swine flu. Intas will pay ABI a royalty on net sales after marketing approval is obtained in India.

More HeadlinesAll About: Zydus Cadila, Pharma sector, Amarillo Biosciences Inc, Joseph Cummins, Maxisal, ABI, Alpha, Biotechnology, Intas Pharmaceuticals Limited, Hayashibara Group, Amarillo Biosciences Inc., Egofocus OHG


72 Postings, 5490 Tage zettma...

22.11.10 15:11

Bin auch schon länger hier investiert. Bin auch der Überzeugung, dass wir hier noch viel Freude haben werden.

Wie schon gesagt: Todgesagte leben länger!!!


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzAmarillo scheint immer mehr gefragt zu sein ;-)

30.11.10 16:14

72 Postings, 5490 Tage zettmaJa

30.11.10 16:34

da werden wir noch viel Freude haben!!!


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzPhase 2 Hepatitis C Trial ;-))

14.12.10 18:26

Amarillo Biosciences Announces Completion of Patient Enrollment in Phase 2 Hepatitis C Trial


Press Release Source: Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. On Tuesday December 14, 2010, 11:08 am EST

AMARILLO, TX--(Marketwire - 12/14/10) - Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (ABI) (OTC.BB:AMAR - News) today announced that enrollment in a Phase 2 clinical trial of 165 patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection is now complete. The clinical trial is being conducted in Taiwan and funded by ABI's strategic partner, CytoPharm, Inc. The aim of the study is to reduce the virologic relapse rate for those patients who have successfully completed standard combination therapy for hepatitis C, which consists of injectable interferon alpha and Ribavirin.

Many patients with hepatitis C are found to be virus-free at the end of standard therapy, but up to half of those with certain viral genotypes relapse in the six months following treatment, once again becoming positive for hepatitis C virus. There are currently no FDA-approved medications shown to reduce the relapse rate for hepatitis C patients, so there is a clear medical need for effective new therapies.

All patients enrolled in this trial first completed standard therapy and were found to be negative for hepatitis C virus. The patients were then assigned to one of two different daily doses of ABI's human interferon alpha lozenges or placebo for 24 weeks, followed by untreated observation for 24 weeks to check for relapse. All patients are scheduled to complete the untreated observation phase by December 2011, and final results from this important study are expected to be available by the end of next year.

About Amarillo Biosciences
Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. is a U.S. biotechnology firm operating in global partnership with the Hayashibara Group, which also holds 5.4% of Amarillo Biosciences shares and has provided over $18 million in loans, grants and equity investments. The Company's primary focus is extensive and ongoing R&D into the use of low-dose, orally administered interferon as a treatment for a variety of conditions, including influenza, hepatitis C, chronic cough, and opportunistic infections in patients who are HIV positive. The Company has invested nearly $40 million to establish oral interferon as a therapeutic agent. The majority of those funds were invested in clinical trials in an effort to achieve FDA approval for interferon. Additional information is available on the web at

Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including uncertainties related to product development, uncertainties related to the need for regulatory and other government approvals, dependence on proprietary technology, uncertainty of market acceptance of oral interferon or the Company's other product candidates and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In particular, see "Item 1. Description of Business" and "Item 7A. Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures About Market Risk" of the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009.


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzAmarillo Biosciences Announces ;-)))

05.01.11 23:00
Amarillo Biosciences Announces Study of Oral Interferon and Tamiflu for Treatment of Influenzamarketwire


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzAmarillo Biosciences and Oasis Diagnostics(R) ;-)

18.01.11 10:51
Amarillo Biosciences and Oasis Diagnostics(R) Sign License and Supply Agreement for Dietary Supplement Maxisal(R)


Press Release Source: Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. On Friday January 14, 2011, 7:00 am EST

AMARILLO, TX--(Marketwire - 01/14/11) - Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (ABI) (OTC.BB:AMAR - News) and Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation today announced that they have entered into an agreement under which Oasis will exclusively market Maxisal®, ABI's dietary supplement for enhancement of salivary function, promotion of oral comfort and relief of dry mouth, in North, Central and South America, China and Taiwan.

Oasis, a salivary diagnostics and genomics company based in Vancouver, WA, plans to expand on ABI's current marketing efforts by exploring new potential markets for Maxisal® in patients undergoing kidney dialysis and chemotherapy, those with dryness-related sexual dysfunction, and individuals with burning-mouth syndrome and other dryness-related conditions. Current estimates put the number of dry mouth sufferers in the US at 25 million.

Maxisal® is currently marketed by ABI's licensees Egofocus OHG in Germany and Zydus Cadila in India. The first target market in Germany and India is cancer patients. There are over 400 medications, including some oncology drugs that cause dry mouth as a severe side effect. By taking Maxisal®, cancer patients may be able to relieve at least one of the unpleasant side effects associated with cancer therapy.

Maxisal® was first offered for sale in the US after clinical studies in subjects with Sjogren's syndrome (characterized by dry eyes and dry mouth) reported that the active ingredient in Maxisal® significantly improved mouth comfort and decreased mouth and throat dryness.

"Clinical data has confirmed the beneficial effects of Maxisal in people experiencing dry mouth. With its widespread knowledge and expertise in salivary diagnosis and treatment, and its expansive network of contacts in the oral health arena, I fully expect Oasis to be successful at marketing Maxisal for individuals experiencing the unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptom of dry mouth," said Dr. Joseph Cummins, President and CEO of ABI.

"We are extremely happy and excited to have executed this license agreement with ABI. We feel that Maxisal® fits extremely well into our portfolio of novel tools for oral health and will open up new windows of opportunity for our growing company and its partners," said Dr. Paul Slowey, CEO of Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation.

About Amarillo Biosciences
Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. is a U.S. biotechnology firm operating in global partnership with the Hayashibara Group, which also holds 6% of Amarillo Biosciences shares and has provided over $18 million in loans, grants and equity investments. The Company's primary focus is extensive and ongoing R&D into the use of low-dose, orally administered interferon as a treatment for a variety of conditions, including influenza, hepatitis C, chronic cough, and opportunistic infections in patients who are HIV positive. The Company has invested nearly $40 million to establish oral interferon as a therapeutic agent. The majority of those funds were invested in clinical trials in an effort to achieve FDA approval for interferon. Additional information is available on the web at

About Oasis Diagnostics
Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation is an emerging Company focused on two core areas of the in vitro diagnostic market -- saliva based diagnostics and genomics. Over the past eight years the Company has assembled a portfolio of proprietary devices and tools for the standardized collection of saliva, immediate disease testing from saliva and the collection of DNA from saliva specimens. Oasis' non-invasive collection and testing technologies address the three main segments of the IVD market -- molecular diagnostics, rapid, point-of-care testing and diagnostics performed in the laboratory, and may be applied to a variety of areas including infectious diseases [including tuberculosis and HIV], steroid hormones for general wellness, oncology, immune response, cardiovascular disease and many others. Additional information is available on the web at

Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including uncertainties related to product development, uncertainties related to the need for regulatory and other government approvals, dependence on proprietary technology, uncertainty of market acceptance of oral interferon or the Company's other product candidates and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In particular, see "Item 1. Description of Business" and "Item 7A. Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures About Market Risk" of the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009.


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzAmarillo CEO Does Live Interview :-)

18.01.11 10:54

Amarillo Biosciences' CEO Does Live Interview on

Press Release Source: Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. On Monday January 17, 2011, 7:00 am EST

AMARILLO, TX--(Marketwire - 01/17/11) - Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (ABI) (OTC.BB:AMAR - News) -- ABI announced today that a new audio interview with ( is now available. The interview can be viewed at

Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (OTC.BB:AMAR - News) is developing low-dose oral interferon for human and animal health. The product is safe, inexpensive, stable at room temperature, easy-to-administer and modulates the immune system by helping regulate interferon sensitive genes. The company asserts that low dose oral interferon can achieve many of the benefits of high dose injectable interferon without the toxicity reported by most patients given high dose injectable interferon.

In the interview, the CEO notes: "Our new license and supply agreement with Oasis Diagnostics is expected to generate revenues this year." To listen to the entire interview visit:

About ChartPoppers is a small-cap research and investment commentary provider. strives to provide a balanced view of many promising small-cap companies that would otherwise fall under the radar of the typical Wall Street investor. We provide investors with an excellent first step in their research and due diligence by providing daily trading ideas, and consolidating the public information available on them. For more information on ChartPoppers, please visit Disclosure is not a registered investment advisor and nothing contained in any materials should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. is a Web site wholly owned by Seo Freisin, Inc. nor its affiliates have a beneficial interest in the mentioned company; nor have they received compensation of any kind for any of the companies listed in this communication. Please read our report and visit our Web site,, for complete risks and disclosures.

About Amarillo Biosciences
Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. is a U.S. biotechnology firm operating in global partnership with the Hayashibara Group, which also holds 6% of Amarillo Biosciences shares and has provided over $18 million in loans, grants and equity investments. The Company's primary focus is extensive and ongoing R&D into the use of low-dose, orally administered interferon as a treatment for a variety of conditions, including influenza, hepatitis C, chronic cough, and opportunistic infections in patients who are HIV positive. The Company has invested nearly $40 million to establish oral interferon as a therapeutic agent. The majority of those funds were invested in clinical trials in an effort to achieve FDA approval for interferon. Additional information is available on the web at

Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including uncertainties related to product development, uncertainties related to the need for regulatory and other government approvals, dependence on proprietary technology, uncertainty of market acceptance of oral interferon or the Company's other product candidates and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In particular, see "Item 1. Description of Business" and "Item 7A. Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures About Market Risk" of the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009.


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzAmarillo hohes Volumen in USA ;-))

01.02.11 12:50

6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzHeute mal wieder hohes Volumen und +33,22% ;-))

03.02.11 22:17

6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzgenerate 20-50 mil in sales for Amar?

05.02.11 13:51

Herpes, Genital Warts, COPD, IPF all had no cure available till now.    The herpes/genital warts angle will generate 20-50 mil in sales for Amar  within a year or two.


FAQ's .
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is Virapress?
A.   Virapress is a proprietary formulation of naturally occurring  immunomodulation agents, known as cytokines, such as interleukins and  interferon that are produced by all healthy animals.   These cytokines,  classified as proteins, regulate the body’s immune response to viral  outbreaks and autoimmune illnesses.

Q.   Is Virapress safe to take?
A. Yes.   The effectiveness of Virapress against viral-based and  autoimmune illnesses has been tested in studies over a 30 year period  and while the product has been found to be effective, no cases of  adverse side effects have been reported.   Since Virapress is comprised  of immunomodulation agents found in meat, as detailed above, the body  accepts the Virapress formulation and therefore no adverse side effects  are produced.

Q. How do I know that Virapress has the desired active ingredients?
A. The exclusive supplier of active immunomodulation agents for  Virapress is Amarillo Biosciences, run by Dr. Joseph Cummings, the  undisputed scientific expert on low-dose alpha interferon.   All batches  of bovine extract supplied to produce Virapress are tested and  documented to be safe from impurities and to have the desired strength  of active ingredients.

Q. How can Virapress help me?
A.   If you suffer from any viral based illness such as Idiopathic  Pulmonary Fibrosis, Shingles, Oral or Genital         Warts, or  Mononucleosis, to name a few, Virapress may improve or even eliminate  your symptoms.   The ingredients in Virapress work by stimulating the  body’s immune system sufficiently so the body is able to naturally  combat the virus.

Q.   Is Virapress only for combating viruses?
A.   No! Virapress is also effective against autoimmune disorders such  as IPF, COPD, Asthma, Emphysema, Bechet’s Disease, and Sjogren ’s  syndrome, to name a few.   In these cases, Virapress regulates the  body’s immune response to the invading illness, thus reducing or  eliminating the illness which has been caused by an overactive immune  system attacking healthy cells.

Q. Does Virapress work the same for everyone?
A.   Results may vary depending on several factors, such as the severity  and/or longevity of the disorder, as well as other health issues, such  as lifestyle, that may exacerbate the disease.   However, Virapress has  either lessened symptoms or stopped the progression of the disease in  the vast majority of people who have taken the product.   Before  deciding to try Virapress, we encourage you to refer to our web site, and also the website featuring our product,  , and familiarize yourself with the product case studies and also read  testimonials of real people who have taken the product, and then decide  if Virapress is right for you.


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzInteressanter Artikel über

05.02.11 13:54

 low-dose oral alpha interferon


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzLizenz und Versorgungsabkommen ;-))

06.02.11 13:10



Other Events


Item 8.01 Other Events.

Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (ABI) has license and supply agreements with Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories (HBL), the sole supplier of human interferon alpha (IFN?) and anhydrous crystalline maltose (ACM) to the Company. HBL is part of the Hayashibara Group of companies, which announced on February 2, 2011 on its website in Japan that it had filed a petition for corporate reorganization with the Tokyo District Court.

In a letter to customers dated February 2, 2011, Mr. Hideki Matsushima, who has been appointed by the Tokyo District Court to be the provisional administrator of HBL, made the following statements, "&#65533;I would like to inform you that we will endeavor to supply our products to our customers in a stable fashion. We believe that we will be able to ensure a stable supply of our products, since we have been permitted by the Tokyo District Court to pay our debts to our suppliers related to the purchase of raw materials for our products, on the condition that our suppliers will continue to do business with us under the pre-existing payment terms and conditions."

Based on these statements from Mr. Matsushima, ABI does not expect any disruption in the supply of IFN? or ACM from HBL.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

DATE: February 4, 2011.


By: /s/ Joseph M. Cummins
Joseph M. Cummins, Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer



6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzAmarillo als virapress

06.02.11 20:20

Lieferant könnte sich jetzt sehr positiv Entwikeln ;-)


6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzUnd weiter gehts +18,18% ;-)))

07.02.11 16:19

6635 Postings, 5575 Tage Kleine_prinzReasons to buy Fibrosis - Pipeline Assessment

15.02.11 16:09

© Reportlinker PRWire 2011 - By Roger Miller
15.02.2011 11:24:24


( - announces that a new market research report related to the Pathology industry is available in its catalogue.

More information regarding this report:Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - Pipeline Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2017

Idiopathic Pulmonary


Fibrosis - Pipeline Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2017


GlobalData’s pharmaceutical and healthcare report, “Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - Pipeline Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2017” is an essential source of information and analysis on the global idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis market. The report identifies the key trends shaping and driving the global idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis market. The report also provides insight on the prevalent competitive landscape and the emerging players expected to bring significant shift in the market positioning of the existing market leaders. Most importantly, the report provides valuable insight on the pipeline products within the global idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis sector. This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in house analysis by GlobalData’s team of industry experts.

The global Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) market was valued at $88m in 2009. It is expected to increase with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23% from $88m in 2009 to $462m by 2017. Earlier, the IPF market was underserved due to a lack of approved products. In October 2008, the Japanese manufacturer Shionogi received approval for Pirespa in Japan. It is under regulatory review for approval in the US and EU. The expected increase in sales is due to the expected approval of Pirespa in the US and the EU and also the expected launch of Tracleer and Letiaris. Growth in the IPF market is being driven by the sales of Pirespa, off-label drug use and the anticipated approval of Letiaris and Tracleer. Gilead’s Letiaris and Actelion’s Tracleer are the most anticipated molecules in the IPF market.


The report provides information on the key driver and challenges of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis market. Its Scope includes:
- Annualized global idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis market revenues data from 2001 to 2009, forecast forward for eight years to 2017.
- Pipeline analysis data providing a split across the different phases, mechanisms of action being developed and emerging trends. Key classes of mechanism of action include enzyme inhibitors, protein inhibitors, endothelin A antagonists, combination therapy, TNF alpha antagonists, platelet aggregation inhibitors, interferon alpha, interleukin inhibitors, immunosuppresants, growth hormone inhibitors, gene therapy, LPA1 receptor antagonists, tumor growth factor inhibitors and NK-1 antagonists.
- Analysis of the current and future market competition in the global idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis market. Key market players covered are Gilead Sciences, Actelion Ltd., Amgen Inc., InterMune Inc. and Amarillo Biosciences.
- Insightful review of the key industry drivers, restraints and challenges. Each trend is independently researched to provide qualitative analysis of its implications.
- Key topics covered include strategic competitor assessment, market characterization, unmet needs and the implications for the future market associated with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis therapeutics.

Reasons to buy

The report will enhance your decision making capability in a rapid and time sensitive manner. It will allow you to:
- Develop and design your in-licensing and out-licensing strategies through a review of pipeline products and technologies and by identifying the companies with the most robust pipeline.
- Develop business strategies by understanding the trends shaping and driving the global idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis market.
- Drive revenues by understanding the key trends, innovative products and technologies, market segments and companies likely to impact the global idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis market in future.
- Formulate effective sales and marketing strategies by understanding the competitive landscape and by analyzing the performance of various competitors.
- Identify emerging players with potentially strong product portfolios and create effective counter-strategies to gain the competitive advantage.
- Organize your sales and marketing efforts by identifying the market categories and segments that present maximum opportunities for consolidations, investments and strategic partnerships.
- What’s the next big thing in the global idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis market landscape? – Identify, understand and capitalize. (rlk1-2011-02-15) olp

1 Table of contents 3
1.1 List of Tables 5
1.2 List of Figures 5
2 Global Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market: Market Characterization 6
2.1 Overview 6
2.2 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Size 6
2.3 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Forecast and CAGR 6
2.4 Drivers and Barriers for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market 8
2.4.1 Drivers for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market 8
2.4.2 Barriers for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market 9
2.5 Opportunity and Unmet Need 10
2.6 Key Takeaway 11
3 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market: Competitive Assessment 13
3.1 Overview 13
3.2 Strategic Competitor Assessment 13
3.3 Profiles of the Major Therapeutic Class in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 14
3.3.1 Overview 14
3.3.2 Immunosuppresants 14
3.3.3 Anti-inflammatory Drugs 15
3.3.4 Antifibrotics 16
3.4 Key Takeaway 18
4 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market: Pipeline Assessment 19
4.1 Overview 19
4.2 Strategic Pipeline Assessment 19
4.2.1 Technology Trends Analytic Framework 19
4.3 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Promising Drugs under Clinical Development 20
4.4 Molecule Profile for Promising Drugs for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis under Clinical Development 22
4.4.1 Letairis (ambrisentan) 22
4.4.2 Tracleer (bosentan) 23
4.4.3 Enbrel (etanercept) 24
4.4.4 Veldona (Oral interferon alfa) 25
4.5 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics Market - Clinical Pipeline by Mechanism of Action 26
4.6 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Pipeline - Pipeline by Clinical Phases of Development 27
4.6.1 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Phase III Clinical Pipeline 28
4.6.2 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Phase II Clinical Pipeline 29
4.6.3 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Phase I Clinical Pipeline 29
4.6.4 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Preclinical Pipeline 30
4.7 Discontinued / Suspended Drug for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 31
4.8 Key Takeaway 31
5 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis : Implications for Future Market Competition 32
6 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market: Future Players in the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market 34
6.1 Introduction 34
6.2 Gilead Sciences, Inc., California 34
6.2.1 Overview 34
6.2.2 Respiratory Disease Portfolio 36
6.2.3 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Product Portfolio 36
6.3 Actelion Ltd. 37
6.3.1 Overview 37
6.3.2 Respiratory Disease Portfolio 38
6.3.3 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Product Portfolio 38
6.4 Amgen Inc. 39
6.4.1 Overview 39
6.4.2 Respiratory Disease Portfolio 40
6.4.3 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Product Portfolio 40
6.5 InterMune, Inc. 41
6.5.1 Overview 41
6.5.2 Respiratory Disease Portfolio 43
6.6 Amarillo Biosciences 44
6.6.1 Overview 44
6.6.2 Respiratory Disease Portfolio 45
6.6.3 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Product Portfolio 46
7 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market: Appendix 47
7.1 Market Definitions 47
7.2 Abbreviations 47
7.3 Research Methodology 49
7.3.1 Coverage 49
7.3.2 Secondary Research 50
7.3.3 Forecasting 50
7.3.4 Primary Research 53
7.3.5 Expert Panel validation 53
7.4 Contact Us 53
7.5 Disclaimer 53
7.6 Sources 54

1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics, Global, Market Revenues ($m), 2001-2009 7
Table 2: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics, Global, Market Forecast ($m), 2009-2017 8
Table 3: Major Marketed Products Comparison in the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market, 2010 18
Table 4: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Most Promising Drugs Under Clinical Development, 2010 20
Table 5: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Phase III Clinical Pipeline, 2010 28
Table 6: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Phase II Clinical Pipeline, 2010 29
Table 7: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Phase I Clinical Pipeline, 2010 29
Table 8: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Preclinical Pipeline, 2010 30
Table 9: List of Discontinued Drugs for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, 2010 31
Table 10: Gilead Sciences, Inc. -Respiratory Pipeline Products, 2010 36
Table 11: Actelion Ltd. -Respiratory Pipeline Products, 2010 38
Table 12: Amgen Inc. - Respiratory Disease Pipeline Products, 2010 40
Table 13: InterMune, Inc- Respiratory Disease Pipeline Products, 2010 43
Table 14: Amarillo Biosciences - Respiratory Disease Pipeline Products, 2010 45

1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics, Global, Market Revenues ($m), 2001-2009 7
Figure 2: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics, Global, Market Forecast ($m), 2009-2017 8
Figure 3: Opportunity and Unmet Need in the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market, 2010 11
Figure 4: Strategic Competitor Assessment of the Major Marketed Products for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, 2010 14
Figure 5: Technology Trends Analytic Framework of the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Pipeline, 2010 19
Figure 6: Technology Trends Analytic Framework of the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Pipeline - Description, 2010 20
Figure 7: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics - Clinical Pipeline by Mechanism of Action, 2010 27
Figure 8: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Pipeline by Phase of Clinical Development, 2010 27
Figure 9: Implications for Future Market Competition in the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market, 2010 32
Figure 10: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutics Market - Clinical Pipeline by Company, 2010 34
Figure 11: GlobalData Methodology, 2010 49
Figure 12: GlobalData Market Forecasting Model, 2010 52

Companies mentionedGilead Sciences, Inc
Actelion Ltd
Amgen Inc
InterMune, Inc
Amarillo Biosciences


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