Am Wachstum der Weltbevölkerung verdienen

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1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeAm Wachstum der Weltbevölkerung verdienen

12.09.12 13:55
Agria gegründet 2000, Börsengang NYSE 2007, 282m$ eingesammelt, Emissionskurs 15$, Marktkap heute 45m$, Kurs heute 0,85 Cent. Buchwert 4$.
Grafik unten. *2012 ist geschätzt und bedarf der Erklärung. Agria hat im April 2011 das neuseeländische Traditionsunternehmen PGW geschluckt. Im Geschäftsjahr 2011 waren 2 Monate bereits konsolidiert. In 2012 wird erstmals das ganze Geschäftsjahr der Tochter PGW dargestellt.
In meiner Tabelle hab ich das eigene chinesische Geschäft von Agria ausgeblendet da ich nicht genügend Informationen bekommen konnte die eine seriöse Schätzung ermöglichen. Der Kommentar  zum chinesischen Heimatmarkt im Geschäftsjahr 2011 des CEOs war:
"Importantly, results were positively impacted by Agria's fast-growing China seeds business, which achieved a 182% increase in revenue for the six months ended June 30, 2011. Growth was primarily led by higher average selling prices and increased sales volumes of Agria's edible corn seed products and field corn seed products."  Da bereits in 2011 4 Mio verdient wurde, obwohl PGW ( 2011 3,7 mio Verlust)bereits für 2 Monate konsolidiert wurde gehe ich nicht von bösen Überraschungen durch Agrias China Geschäft aus. Die Auswirkungen der gestiegenden Weltmarktpreise für Saatgut im allgemeinen und verstärkt durch die US Dürre sollten eher für positive Überraschungen stehen.
Wer bis hier gelesen hat wird sich fragen warum gibt es ein Unternehmen mit einem Buchwert von 200 Mio$ einem Jahresumsatz von über 500 Millionen Dollar für eine Marktkapitalisierung von 45 Millionen. Der Hauptgrund liegt darin das es ein in China ansässiges Unternehmen ist. Der zweite Grund dürfte die Streitigkeiten kurz nach dem Börsengang sein. Es ging um einen Mitgesellschafter einer chinesischen Tochter , über der das gesamte operative Geschäft in China lief. Er wollte wohl einfach in die Tasche von Agria greifen und für die Tochter(P3A) von Agria an der er beteiligt war bessere Preise herauszuholen.  Das führte zur Trennung von P3A und Agria. Daraufhin gab es Stress mit Aktionären der mittels einer gütlichen Einigung beigelegt wurde. Diese Kosten wurden von der Haftpflicht gedeckt.  
Das genaue Datum für die Veröffentlichung von AGRIAs Geschäftsbschluss 2012 (Ende des GJ war 30.Juni.2012) soll im September sein. Der Tag steht noch nicht fest. Ich rechne damit das wie in der Vergangenheit auch, nach Bekanntgabe der Zahlen der Kurs massiv ansteigt. In der Vergangenheit
Ist der Kurs immer einige Zeit nach der Veröffentlichung gefallen, diesaml hoffe ich aufgraund des Turnaround auf eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Die Aktie kann man am besten an der NYSE kaufen.  


Angehängte Grafik:

1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeAGRIA Annual Report 2012

15.10.12 12:20
Get the detailed balance sheet for Agria Corporation American Depo (GRO). Check out the financial snapshot for possessions, debts and capital invested at a particular date.
Der GEschäftsjahresbericht ist seit dem 10.10 online. Die Assets und schulden haben sich gleichermaßen um 400 Mio reduziert da der Geschäftsbereich Finanzierungen verkauft wurde und sich damit die Assets und die Schulden aus der Bilanz der Neuseeländischen Tochter PGW verabschiedet haben.  


Angehängte Grafik:

1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeGraincorp shares soar ,is food the next investment

22.10.12 17:50
The world’s population is expected to hit 9 billion people by 2050 – that’s a lot of mouths to feed.

Today’s takeover offer for one of Australia’s last listed agricultural companies, Graincorp Limited (ASX: GNC) should come as no shock then. The opportunities for companies involved in farming and food production are huge. The fact that Graincorp’s share price has surged well past the offer price of $11.75, suggests investors know how valuable the company is, and either expect a higher offer to come, or another bidder, which could trigger a bidding war.

As we mentioned back in August, global grain demand is expected to grow by 1 billion metric tonnes or 50%, due to population growth, and Graincorp stands to benefit enormously from that fact.

The large size of Australia and low population per square metre, means the country is well suited for agriculture, which requires large amounts of land for growing crops, raising sheep, cattle and other animals. Well suited, yes. Perfect? No. Extreme weather conditions mean we have severe droughts and floods, which can wreak havoc on the farming industry.

ANZ recently released a report it had commissioned by Port Jackson Partners suggesting rising food demand could boost Australia’s and New Zealand’s agricultural exports by around $2.8 trillion by 2050. Demand is being driven by Asia’s growing population and expanding middle class, who can afford to eat more grain-intensive food, such as meat.

But cashing in on the boom in food demand is going to be difficult, according to the report. Australia’s agricultural industries have gone backwards, and needs an estimated $1 trillion of additional investment to kick start declining productivity growth. An aging rural population – the average age of an Australasian farmer is in their mid-50s – rising productivity costs, constraints from natural resources and competition for land could see newer agricultural powers, like Brazil and Indonesia elbow Australia out of the prize.

International companies have already recognised the potential – witness the Graincorp takeover, the Australian Wheat Board accepted a takeover bid from Canadian agricultural giant, Agrium in 2010 and recent buying of Australian sugar assets by Chinese companies. Now it’s up to Australians to come to the same conclusion.

For those Foolish investors looking for the next ‘Graincorp’, you might want to take a closer look at dairy company, Bega Cheese Limited (ASX: BGA), salmon farmer Tassal Group (ASX: TGR) or agricultural investment company PrimeAg Australia Limited (ASX: PAG).

If you only invest in one company this year, make it our “Top Stock for 2012-13”. Operating in two hot markets — one set to double by 2012, the other predicted to grow 5x over the next five years — this stock is a solid growth play that also boasts strong recurring revenue, zero debt, and lots of cash. Get its name and full research case in this brand-new FREE report.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeAgria steigende Umsätze

23.10.12 22:50
ich werde morgen nochmal nachkaufen, falls ich noch unter 90 cent reinkomme. Die Aktie ist bisher immer bis auf 1,5$ nach den Zahlen gelaufen. Diesmal mit dem quasi Turnaround  hoffe ich das die Entwicklung langfristiger sein wird.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeHe said twice there was “zero chance”

25.10.12 18:05
Hier auf:…
kann man schön sehen wie mit aller Gewalt versucht wird Agria schlecht zu machen. Monatelang wurde mir erzählt das der gefallene PGW shareprice dazu
führen wird das Agria Bankrott geht. Dann das die Kreditlinien nicht verlängert werden usw.
Es sind halt Neuseeländer die es nicht mögen das Agria dieses 150 Jahre alte Traditionsunternehmen geschluckt hat. Bei denen hat die Agrarwirtschaft den Stellenwert wie bei uns der Autosektor.
Gestern nun auf der Aktionärsversammlung von PGW wurden einige Fragen an den
Hauptaktionär von Agria gerichtet, die er eindeutig beantwortet hat.…

PGG Wrightson shareholders have been told there is “zero chance” of Chinese half-owner Agria going under amid speculation about its financial health.

At PGW’s annual shareholders meeting in Auckland today, Agria chairman Alan Lai – also a PGW director up for re-election – was asked to reassure shareholders about his firm’s financial health.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeAktie wird auf jedenfall in den nächsten Wochen üb

12.11.12 20:21
Die Aktie wird auf jedenfall in den nächsten Wochen über 1$ steigen, das liegt an der Tatsache das die Aktie im Januar für einen Zeitraum von mindestens 30 Tagen über 1 Dollar schließen muß, um nicht von der NYSE verbannt zu werden.
Das wäre peinlich für AGRIA und natürlich unerwünscht für die Fonds die schließlich zum Jahresende hübsch aussehen möchten. Sonst gibts ja keinen Bonus.
Von den Zahlen her sollte der Kurs eher beim Buchwert von  4$ liegen, als bei 1 $.
Beim Ordern auf jedenfall "all or none" ankreuzen, sonst kriegt ihr die 100 Stückweise wenn Ihr zu Nahe am Bid seit.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabePGG Wrightson says it intends to restart dividends

13.12.12 20:17
Listed rural services firm PGG Wrightson says it intends to restart dividends, nearly four years after the company last rewarded shareholders with a payment.
Das sind wirklich gute Nachrichten für Agria und PGW. Besonders aber für Agria, denn Agria braucht cash für die Expansion im chinesischen Markt. Diese Nachricht ist auch ein eindeutiges Indiz für ein gut gelaufenes erstes Halbjahr.

Listed rural services firm PGG Wrightson says it intends to restart dividends, nearly four years after the company last rewarded shareholders with a payment.

In October PGG Wrightson that it would provide a dividend policy this financial year, and it has now given details that a dividend could be paid this year taking into account "relevant considerations".

The last PGG Wrightson dividend was paid on April 1, 2009.

Chairman Sir John Anderson said that the board intended to recommence dividends and have resolved to adopt a dividend policy geared towards providing a consistent dividend stream while maintaining financial flexibility through the business cycle.

The PGG Wrightson board would determine to pay cash dividends, both interim and final, as appropriate taking into account relevant considerations at the time, he said in a statement issued through the NZX.

These considerations would include working capital requirements and capital expenditure requirements.

They would also include the cyclical nature of agricultural business recognising that the majority of revenue is generated in the second half of the financial year.

The interests of shareholders and the free cash-flow available for distribution would also be taken into account.

In October at its annual meeting PGG Wrightson told shareholders it was confident of exceeding last year's first-half earnings of $20 million in the same period this financial year but wouldn't provide an exact forecast.

China-based Agria holds a 50.22 per cent shareholding in PGG Wrightson.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeNeue Kooperationspartner für den Ausbau des China

18.12.12 19:39



BEIJING--(Marketwire - Dec 18, 2012) - Agria Corporation ( NYSE : GRO ) (the "Company" or "Agria") and its New Zealand listed subsidiary PGG Wrightson ( NZSE : PGW ) ("PGW") today announced that the operating entities of Agria and PGW have signed two memoranda of understanding with PRC agricultural partners in Guangdong Province and Shandong Province.
According to the memorandum of understanding with Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Crops Research Institute, and Guangdong Golden Crops Agricultural Sciences & Technology Co., Ltd, the parties will develop a high-profile agriculture showcase under the name of "The China Guangdong - New Zealand Agriculture Showcase" in Guangdong Province. The parties will cooperate in the following areas:


  • To establish the China Guangdong - New Zealand Agriculture Showcase for the showcasing and promotion of innovative products, advanced agricultural technology, advanced plant species, and advanced agricultural production models;
  • To cooperate in the exchange and training of agriculture specialists;
  • To strengthen the cooperation in the development, production and promotion of new plant species including edible corn, forage and vegetable seeds;
  • To leverage and apply New Zealand's geographical and climate advantages by establishing a base in New Zealand for seed production of Guangdong Province; and
  • To jointly set up a working committee to coordinate the establishment of the project, with representatives from all parties, and to communicate and cooperate in other areas.

According to the memorandum of understanding with Shandong Province Seeds Group Co., Ltd., the parties will cooperate in the following areas:


  • To strengthen the cooperation in the scientific research, production and promotion of plant species including corn, forage and vegetable seeds; and
  • To jointly set up a working committee to coordinate the establishment of the project, with representatives from all parties, and to communicate and cooperate in other areas.

Alan Lai, Agria's Chairman of the Board, commented, "The cooperation between Agria and PGW has enhanced the complementary strengths of both sides and boosted the future plan for joint development of Asia and China markets. Agricultural and seeds economy has been highly recognized by the Chinese government and investors. With nearly 40 ranches each with over ten-thousand cattle under construction, China is marching into large-scale breeding in this area. Development and promotion of grass seeds is currently one of the most needed agricultural technologies in China. With world-leading seeds technologies and ranch management experience, we can bring valuable experience for the construction of large-scale ranches in China. I believe, our cooperation with PGW will generate significant investment return for shareholders in the near future."
The two projects will benefit from Agria and PGW's extensive experience and resource in advanced technical development planning and their management philosophy and skills, combined with the advanced new agricultural production technology provided by the Guangdong and Shandong agricultural partners. The two projects will serve as platforms for Agria and PGW to promote agricultural technology and innovative services for PRC clients and show Agria and PGW's dedication to international cooperation.
About Agria Corporation
Agria Corporation ( NYSE : GRO ) is an agricultural company with operations in China and internationally. Agria operates three principal business lines: China seeds, international seeds and agriservices. In China, Agria engages in research and development, production and sale of seed products, including field corn seeds, edible corn seeds and vegetable seeds. Agria owns through Agria Asia a 50.22% equity interest in PGG Wrightson, New Zealand's largest agricultural services company. For more information about PGG Wrightson, please visit For more information about Agria Corporation, please visit



1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeAgria immer noch unter 1$

20.12.12 18:03
Hallo, habe gerade mit dem SVP von Agria, David Pasquale telefoniert. Die im Juni herausgegebene Warnung wegen dem möglichen Delisting wird wohl falsch verstanden.
Es gibt viele Listing Requirements, eine davon ist das der shareprice über 1$ zu liegen hat.
Da Agria nur gegen diese eine verstößt wird es auch kein Delisting geben, daher auch keine Verzweifelungstaten wie Aktienrückkauf und Insiderkäufe.
Die Nachrichten der letzten Wochen hätten eigentlich zu einem Anstieg des Kurs führen müssen, aber wie in der Vergangenheit auch, passiert das immer plötzlich und heftig.
Eins noch am Rande, die Mehrheitsbeteiligung an PGW, hat sich sehr gut entwickelt. Man beachte obige Dividendenmitteilung (halbjählich und jährlich für 2013, und den heftig gestiegenen Kurs von PGW. Die Marktkapitalisierung von Agria liegt bei 42 Mio$ und die von PGW bei 260 Mio $. Agria besitzt über 50%, das bedeutet 130 Mio$ gehören zu Agria.
AGRIAs Buchwert liegt bei 220 Mio$. Faktor 5 unterbewertet.
Die üblichen Bedenken, ach so, ist eine chinesiche Aktie, sollten hier nicht gelten.
Schließlich ist PGW, das wichtigste Investment von Agria, ein Neuseeländisches 200 Jahre altes
Traditionsunternehmen mit Dividenden Historie.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabePGW mittlerweile 347 NZD wert

03.01.13 16:43
PGW mittlerweile 347 Millionen NZD wert, aber der Kurs von Agria kommt nicht von der Stelle. Grund ist das Delisting Verfahren. Eigentlich müßte Agria am 19.1 delistet werden.
Es soll aber so eine 18 Monate Verlängerungsfrist geben, ist schwer was darüber herauszufinden. Telefonisch hat mir die IR zu verstehen gegeben das Agria nicht delisten wird, da sie im Gespräch mit der NYSE sind und einen Plan haben den die NYSE für überzeugend hält. Per Mail  bat ich dann nochmal um bestätigung der Info, habe sie aber nicht bekommen, sondern nur den Hinweis das ich zeitgleich mit den anderen Aktionären informiert werde. Bin ja mal gespannt. Aufgrund meiner Erfahrung mit der IR von Agria glaub ich das zu 95%. Wenn einer von Euch ernsthaft Interesse an Agria haben sollte, wäre es eine gute Übung ebenfalls mal mit der IR zu telefonieren.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeChina und Monsanto

05.01.13 18:47
Gibt einen guten Überblick über Chinas Saatgutmarkt, von Seeking Alpha

By Jeffrey Stafford

With the North American market nearing saturation, Monsanto has increasingly looked outside the United States for growth. Currently, Brazil and Argentina are the major international markets driving gains in the company's top and bottom lines. In fact, for the first time in its history, the company expects that more than half of gross profit growth in fiscal 2012 will come from international markets. There are still substantial opportunities for sales and margin growth in South American markets (biotech trait penetration and moving farmers up the technology adoption curve). However, we see a massive opportunity in China, since Monsanto currently generates very little of its revenue from the seed market there. While the market is indeed intriguing, many questions remain.
According to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, China is the second-largest corn grower in the world, with 2010-11 crop year production of 177 million metric tons. That compares with estimated U.S. production of 316 million metric tons. Monsanto projects that about 70 million acres are planted to hybrid corn each year in China, compared with about 90 million acres in the United States. Corn yields per acre are far lower in China than in the U.S., giving Monsanto the opportunity to entice growers with higher-yielding seed technology; corn yields in China are equivalent to what U.S. farmers experienced in the 1970s. We don't think seed technology is the sole contributor to yield variations between China and the U.S., however. Chinese farmers do not apply as much potash fertilizer per corn acre as their U.S. counterparts, and they often plant corn in more extreme conditions, leaving more-fertile land to crops such as rice and vegetables. As the world's fourth-largest producer of soybeans, China also presents an intriguing opportunity for Monsanto's oil seed business, but we think the firm will initially focus more on corn as it looks to develop the Chinese seed market.
As far as potential ramp-up is concerned, Rob Fraley, Monsanto's chief technology officer, has compared the Chinese market today with Brazil seven or eight years ago and said that it will take that much time for China to develop to the point where we see Brazil today. Over the past five fiscal years (the period for which management has specifically broken out Brazil sales), Monsanto's Brazil sales have grown at a compound annual rate of 18.5%. We believe this figure would be even higher if crop chemical sales were backed out of Brazil revenue. Monsanto invested heavily in South America to get where it is today, and it will have to do the same in the Chinese market by building breeding stations, testing capability, and other infrastructure.
In our opinion, one key difference between the Chinese and Brazilian seed markets is farm size. The average farm in Brazil is much larger than in China, as super farms have come to dominate the agricultural landscape in South America. In fact, farms in Brazil are generally larger than those in the United States. In China, most corn farmers only have a few acres of land and much of the work is still done by hand. We think the ability of Monsanto to target fewer individual farmers in South America has led to accelerated penetration. In China, Monsanto's rate of market penetration could be lower as the firm tries to change the seed-buying decisions of many more farmers.
Seed Companies Need to Partner with a Local Firm to Enter the Chinese Market
To enter the Chinese seed market for field crops, international companies are required to partner with a local firm, usually in the form of a joint venture with the Chinese partner owning 51% of the assets. In 2001, Monsanto formed a joint venture with China National Seed Group Corporation (now owned by Sinochem Group); in 2008, Monsanto and CNSGC increased their investment in the joint venture, allowing the entity to expand its product offerings to all four of China's corn-growing regions. Today, CNSGC is the largest corn seed company in China, according to Monsanto. While we think Monsanto's joint venture provides a solid base for expansion in China, main competitors DuPont  and Syngenta  have also formed joint ventures with Chinese seed companies. Similar to the U.S., DuPont's Pioneer brand will be Monsanto's most formidable competitor, in our opinion.
The Chinese corn seed market is very fragmented, with more than 8,000 local and regional players. However, the Chinese government has made efforts to encourage consolidation in the industry, in hopes of forming large agribusiness companies that could compete with Monsanto and other international players. Further, counterfeit seeds are an issue for Monsanto in China, with small local seed enterprises copying Monsanto's packaging. We think Monsanto and its joint venture partner will roll up seed share as the industry consolidates. As smaller players are absorbed, the pressure from counterfeit seeds will decrease, in our opinion.
Intellectual Property Concerns and the Chinese Government
The Chinese government has yet to approve large-scale commercialization of genetically modified crops, but some have speculated that it is a matter of when, not if. China is under considerable pressure to increase its food supply, but it also wants to retain control of that supply. Allowing genetically modified seeds to enter the market at this point could give a significant advantage to Monsanto, Pioneer, and Syngenta. In an effort to catch up on the biotechnology front, Chinese scientists have been developing their own biotech traits. While we don't know the specifics of China's advances in seed biotechnology, it's safe to say that the country's companies and institutions remain well behind technologies held by Monsanto and others.
While Chinese officials aren't quick to let international companies dominate the genetically modified seed market, Monsanto and its competitors have also had lingering concerns about intellectual property protection in China. Some of Monsanto's concerns have been assuaged by what management considers a more favorable stance on intellectual property protection by the Chinese government. Last year, the China State Council released new guidelines to develop China's seed industry, emphasizing the importance of independent intellectual property rights and the introduction of international seed germplasm resources by foreign-funded enterprises. While the new guidelines aren't meant to specifically benefit Monsanto and its rivals, we view the policy stance as a positive for the joint ventures in the industry, including Monsanto's relationship with Sinochem. Along with the new guidelines, Monsanto's top executives have spent a lot of time in China meeting with ministries and officials to become more comfortable competing on a larger scale in the country.
Despite the more accommodative stance of the Chinese government, we note Monsanto's experience in Argentina as a cautionary tale of government involvement in international markets. The Argentine biotech soybean market is currently a black hole for Monsanto. While about 95% of the soybeans grown in Argentina contain the Roundup Ready trait, a change in patent law after the introduction of Roundup Ready soybeans disallowed Monsanto's patent and prevented the company from collecting royalties in the country. Currently, farmers in Argentina reuse Monsanto's soybeans each year, a practice that is forbidden in the U.S. Recently, Monsanto has made efforts to work directly with farmers to get agreements in place so the company can get paid for its newest soybean technology, and management may be on the verge of a breakthrough on this front.
How Will the Chinese Seed Market Play Out?
We don't see the Chinese government relaxing its requirement that international seed companies must enter the country through a minority join venture stake. Thus, we don't think it's a stretch to say that Monsanto may only be able to participate in half of the total market. However, we expect the efforts by the Chinese government to consolidate the industry will take hold, giving the Monsanto-CNSGC joint venture a much larger piece of the growing pie. We think the ramp-up of growth for Monsanto could be more difficult than Brazil, because of relative farm size and the number of purchasers.
In our opinion, mass commercialization of biotech corn is still several years away, as the Chinese government tries to play biotech catch-up by investing millions in research and development. Over the medium term, Monsanto will work to sell more of its conventional hybrids in the country by setting up the necessary infrastructure and deepening ties with its joint venture partner. However, we expect the enticement of higher-yielding biotech traits will be too attractive for the Chinese government to ignore forever, as the country grapples with more mouths to feed. If biotech traits do come to the Chinese market, we think Monsanto will share in the value created for farmers, but at a lower level than in the U.S., based on varying intellectual property protection; whatever the outcome, meaningful contribution from China is still years away for Monsanto.
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1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabekein Delisting sondern share split

08.01.13 15:38
Leider ist meine Spekulation, das der shareprice bis Dezember auf 1$ steigt nicht aufgegangen. Es gibt einen Resplit und somit wird das Problem des Delistings vermieden.
Agria plant jetzt erstmals, oder seit Jahren, eine HV und das ist ein gutes Zeichen.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeAs for investing advice, Rogers is more bullish on

05.02.13 18:30
Dem Rogers geht es genau wie mir. Ich bin auch immer zu früh drin.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabePGW results

13.02.13 21:53
Die Mehrheitsbeteiligung PGW gibt die Halbjahreszahlen am 22.2 bekannt. Es werden erstmals wieder Dividen erwartet.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabelink

13.02.13 21:54

1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeHalbjahres ergebnis der tochter PGW

01.03.13 17:25
BEIJING--(Marketwire - Feb 26, 2013) - Agria Corporation ( NYSE : GRO ) (the "Company" or "Agria") today announced that its New Zealand listed subsidiary, PGG Wrightson Limited (PGW.NZ) ("PGW"), has released its financial results for the six months ended December 31, 2012. A copy of PGW's financial results and the following market announcement can be downloaded from the website: These results will be consolidated in the results of Agria for the six months period ended December 31, 2012.

Mr. Alan Lai, Chairman of Agria Corporation, said, "I am pleased to see continued improvement in PGW's performance year on year. PGW reported improved profits and strong net cash inflow from operating and investing activities of NZ$24.4 million, which led to significant improvement to its financial position. With this half-year announcement, PGW has also timely followed through with its dividend policy to its shareholders as announced last December. I look forward to PGW playing a more significant role in Agria's global strategy and future performance."

PGW announced an increased profit of NZ$4.8 million for the six months to 31 December 2012, up from NZ$3.1 million a year ago. PGW also reported strong cash flows from operating and investing activities, delivering a combined total of NZ$24.4 million (up from NZ$6.0 million last year). This result follows a strong profit for the full year to 30 June 2012 announced last August and has allowed the company to halve its net debt position over the course of the last 12 months. PGW Managing Director, George Gould, credited the improvement to stronger operating earnings across all major businesses along with working capital efficiencies and collection of the Crafar Farms debt in December.

In line with the dividend policy announced in December, directors have declared a fully imputed dividend of NZ2.2 cents per share which will be paid to shareholders registered at the record date of 14 March 2013. The dividend will be paid on 28 March 2013.

Mr Gould said that the improved earnings reflected strong operating performance across all major activities of the company. "The tougher conditions being faced by farmers clearly impact on some areas of our business, but overall our businesses have performed strongly and most have lifted earnings year-on-year," Mr Gould said.

"We are especially pleased with the performance of our New Zealand Seed, Retail, Wool and Irrigation & Pumping businesses -- all of which showed sizeable gains."

Mr Gould said he was pleased with progress being made in PGG Wrightson Rural Supplies and Fruitfed Supplies, both being retail businesses facing intense competition from farmer owned co-operatives.

"Our job is to add value to our farmer clients, helping them make their farming businesses more profitable. If we do add value, there is worthwhile margin for us, and the track record shows we are achieving success on this front."

"It's about having the best rural servicing reps across all businesses, in every region throughout New Zealand."

"While our trading businesses such as Livestock, Grain and Real Estate are more susceptible to overall market conditions, their underlying performance remains solid. In Livestock, our tallies remain broadly in-line with last year but the decline in sheep and deer values impacted on earnings."

"Our investment in R&D continues to underpin the performance of our Seeds businesses and we achieved outstanding growth in sales from the newly launched CleanCrop™ Brassica system and continue to see strong growth from the AR37 range of rye-grass seeds. Confirmation last week of arrangements for the Primary Growth Partnership for Seed and Nutritional Technology Development were positive and will be valuable in further enhancing our R&D programmes."

Revenue for the Retail business is not directly comparable to last year due to a move to transacting some categories as an agent rather than a principal. This did not impact on profit but resulted in a NZ$91.2 million reduction in stated revenue.…  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeICh glaube es geht jetzt los

07.03.13 18:35
AGM soll im April stattfinden. Agria hat bewiesen das das PGW Investment Dividende bringt und das sie dort der Herr im Hause sind. Die Konzentration auf Saatgutgeschäft bei PGW scheint der Tochter gut zu tun und somit auch der Mutter. Ich glaube das Agria dieses Fiskaljahr erstmals in China richtig Geld verdient. Ich freu mich auf die AGM und werde vielleicht sogar hinfahren, bzw. fliegen.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeUmsätze steigen stark

07.03.13 20:57
heute 160.000 das sit das fünfache des Durchschnitts. Mitte April wissen wir warum.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeHabe heute den Grund erfahren

08.03.13 21:59
Hier der Auszug aus der Mail. Der Punkt ist das es eigentlich nicht vorgesehen war HAlbjahresergebnisse zu präsentiren. Die Ergebnisse müssen sehr gut sein.

1.Does this mean we will get a semi-anual report in the next weeks ?

>>These results will be consolidated in the results of Agria for the six months period ended December 31, 2012. <<

2.Can you tell me how is you china seed business doing, does it contribute with a positive results to the netearnings,for this half year ?

3. When will you anounce the date of the AGM. Will it be held in New York. I plan to participate. Is it possible to make use of our voting rights ?

1) Yes, we will publish the earnings release for the 6 months ended December 31, 2012 very soon.

2) You will find a brief comment on the result of China Seeds business in the coming release.

3) The AGM will be held in Hong Kong. We welcome your participation and exercise your voting rights as a shareholder. The date of AGM will be announced later.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeAgria esrstes Halbjahr

25.03.13 14:04
Agrias Halbjahresergebnisse:

Es wurde ein Verlust ausgewiesen von 60.2 Mio US$, davon 57.3 Mio US$ wegen der Abschreibung von Landnutzungsrechten die Agria in nächster Zeit keine Einnahmen bringen werden. Sie gehören aber noch AGRIA. Ausserdem will Agria in Nord America auf Aquise gehen. Ich konnte das erst nicht glauben da es doch immer hieß das Agria ein wenig klamm ist. Hier die Antwort von Investor Relation.
>>North America forage variety especially alfalfas is key source of forage imports for China.  Together with our PGW forage expertise, we see opportunity to identify suitable strategy in North America so that we will have full array of forage seeds offering to the vast market in China.  <<

Umsätze in China haben sich von RMB7.9 million for the six months ended December 31, 2011 to RMB31.2 million, erhöht. Erstmals gibt es eine Schätzung zum chinesischen Saatgutgeschäft. >>For our China business, we believe that revenues for our China Seeds business for the year ending June 30, 2013 will be approximately RMB100.0 million <<

Das sind gewaltige Wachstumsraten. Da ich aber die Abschreibung auf den Landnutzrechten nicht verstehe, habe ich knapp 70% verkauft und halte noch 15.000 Aktien. Rein von den Aussichten und der Entwicklung im heimischen Markt hätte ich dazu gekauft.
Ich werde wieder kaufen wenn:
1. Die zur Zeit herrschende Dürre in Neuseeland beendet ist und absehbar ist was die Auswirkungen auf PGW sind.
2. Ich eine Erklärung für die Abschreibung finde und diese verstehe.
3. Nach der AGM könnte es nochmal zum Rücksetzer kommen, nachdem "Resplit". Reine Spekulation.

Das wichtigste ist zur Zeit das es scheinbar einen neuen größeren Investor geben muß (Spekulation). Der Kurs ist sehr stabil, bei hohen Umsätzen.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeAktienrückkaufprogramm angekündigt

02.04.13 21:11

1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeAgria hat Ambitionen

08.04.13 21:57

1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeFarm exports to China may get boost

25.04.13 22:59
Extreme Nachfrage in China. Einheimische Player wie Agria werden am meisten profitieren.
Bis zum IPO Preis immer noch 1000 Prozent, Buchwet noch über 200% Potential.

Hier ein Auzug aus unterem Link. Ich glaube das diese Aktie bis August, die 2$ nimmt.

He said the document would build on the strong relationship the two countries shared particularly in the agricultural sector.

"Two-way trade between China and New Zealand has reached almost $15 billion. Our aim is to double bilateral trade to $20 billion by 2015 and we're on track to achieve that goal.''

The plan sets out areas in which both countries can learn from each other, such as animal welfare and science, increasing productivity, and building skills and knowledge.

The plan is expected to open co-operation channels between industry organisations and companies. Fonterra is among primary businesses looking to expand operations in China.

Guy said China was keen to learn from New Zealand's strong reputation in food safety and quality.

Changfu's visit is believed to be the first to New Zealand by a Chinese Minister of Agriculture for over 30 years, and will be reciprocated later this year with a visit to China by Guy.

Prime Minister John Key was in China encouraging the trade link earlier this month.

The agreement runs to 2017 and can be updated at any time.  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeHat sich jemand eine Meinungzu dieser Aktie gebild

27.04.13 21:41
Hat sich jemand eine Meinung zu dieser Aktie gebildet ?  


1202 Postings, 8789 Tage rabeIhr seid zu faul

25.06.13 22:23
Ihr seid zu faul. Kaum jemand beschäftigt sich ernsthaft mit dem Thema Agrariaktien und China. Wartet Ihr bis irgendein Börsenblatt zum Einstieg aufruft ?  


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