**Absolutes Hot-Stock-Pflichtinvestment **

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Neuester Beitrag: 07.08.07 18:33
Eröffnet am:01.06.05 09:17von: Calibra21Anzahl Beiträge:251
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15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21SK +20% o. T.

06.01.06 22:22

1610 Postings, 7089 Tage SolarBull? siehe Upda

06.01.06 22:26
absolutes Pflicht - hotstockinvest- war heute upda + 50%  

1610 Postings, 7089 Tage SolarBullsk +50 % upda o. T.

06.01.06 22:27

15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21Wer nach diesem Kaufsignal immer noch nicht kauft,

07.01.06 16:59
dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen.

JPHC wird der Renner 2006! KZ 0,003!  

15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21Interessant

09.01.06 13:33
On December 5, 2005, the registrant issued 1,209,117,280 common shares at $0.0025/share and 756,758,440 common shares at $0.0025/share (the Shares) each to two officers and directors of the Company (respectively, the President/CEO and CFO) for the reduction of $302,279.32 and $179,189.61 of accrued liabilities owed respectively to each of the individuals by the registrant. The common shares were issued as restricted securities and are exempt from registration under §5 of the Securities Act of 1933, as the issuances are deemed exempt from registration under §4(1) and 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as well as Regulation D promulgated thereunder.  

4308 Postings, 8727 Tage NukemCalibra21 hatte wiedermal recht!

09.01.06 18:55
Hot-News vom Allerfeinsten! Jupiter läßt den Rückkauf eigener Aktien im Gesamtvolumen von                        E I N E R    M I L L I A R D E              genehmigen.

Jetzt kauft die Börse nochmal kräftig nach und dann legt Jupiter los.

Mein Kursrating: 3 Cent auf 6 Monatsfrist!  

15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21Danke Nukem!

17.01.06 17:19
News!! http://biz.yahoo.com/iw/060117/0106440.html

JUPITER Global Holdings Corp. to Become a TalkNStocks.com Featured Company
Tuesday January 17, 9:15 am ET

MACOMB, MI--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 17, 2006 -- TalkNStocks.com is pleased to announce that JUPITER Global Holdings, Corp., Inc. (Other OTC:JPHC.PK - News) is to become a featured company on the www.talknstocks.com website for a period of 3 months.

TalkNStocks.com is designed to provide featured companies with a cost effective means of informing shareholders and prospective investors about company plans and developments. Featured companies are invited to post business plans, product advertisements, and engage in monthly Q&A opportunities with investors.

JUPITER Global Holdings, Corp. ("JUPITER") is a holding company with interests and developments in a diverse number of growing industries. JUPITER plans to achieve a leadership position through the building of a synergistic network of innovative, profitable and global businesses. JUPITER's main holding is Macro Communications, Inc., a telecom services company generating approximately $12,000,000 annually.

JUPITER's CEO, Ray Hawkins, stated: "We are enthusiastic about communicating with our shareholders through talknstocks.com."

For further information about TalkNStocks.com, visit our website at www.talknstocks.com or contact Hank Zemla at hank@talknstock.com.  

15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21Heute gehts los!

18.01.06 06:27
Das Aktienrückkaufprogramm fängt heute an!


JUPITER Global Holdings, Corp. to Commence Stock Buyback Program Wednesday January 18, 2006
Tuesday January 17, 4:01 pm ET

LAS VEGAS, NV--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 17, 2006 -- JUPITER Global Holdings, Corp. ("JUPITER" or the "Company") (Other OTC:JPHC.PK - News) today announces that its recently authorized stock buyback program will commence tomorrow, Wednesday January 18, 2006, in accordance with the parameters of the stock buyback program as previously announced.

The Company believes in its plan to use this program as the first in many steps to greatly improve shareholder value.


JUPITER Global Holdings, Corp. is a holding company with interests and developments in a diverse number of growing industries. JUPITER plans to achieve a leadership position through the building of a synergistic network of innovative, profitable and global businesses.

Statements contained herein that are not based on historical fact are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. JUPITER Global Holdings Corp. intends that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbor created thereby. Such forward-looking statements are based on current assumptions but involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause JUPITER Global Holdings Corp. actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from current expectations. These risks include economic, competitive, governmental, technological and other factors discussed in JUPITER Global Holdings Corp. applicable public filings on record with the Securities and Exchange Commission which can be viewed at its website at http://www.sec.gov  

132 Postings, 7028 Tage Alf85NEWS! Spin Off !

19.01.06 18:42
seht selbst ;)

JUPITER Global Holdings, Corp. Announces Plans to Spin-Off Entertainment Interests and Provide Stock Dividend to Shareholders

LAS VEGAS, NV--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 19, 2006 -- Jupiter Global Holdings, Corp. ("JUPITER" or the "Company") (Other OTC:JPHC.PK - News) today announces the board of directors has approved plans to spin-off its entertainment interests. Within the process of executing the spin-off, a stock dividend will be given to shareholders. The Company in its long-term plan of providing value to its shareholders believes a transaction that would result in the spin-off of its entertainment interests and subsequent stock dividend would be very beneficial to the shareholders.

The Company looks forward to making progress regarding this plan and providing shareholders with announcements as events are completed.


also wer noch nicht dabei ist .... Beeilt euch!!!  

15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21Habe nochmal 2 Millionen nachgekauft

19.01.06 18:48
Kostet ja nur noch 0,0005 $ :)  

132 Postings, 7028 Tage Alf85Top News - Interview

23.01.06 17:32

Na wenn das nichts Gutes verheißt ...! ;)


Kurs $ 0.0004

Werde selber nochmal nachlegen!!! KAUFEN!  

15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21Das gibts doch nicht.

27.01.06 19:35
Nur noch 0,0003? Meine nächste Kauforder ist drin!  

132 Postings, 7028 Tage Alf85296,088,982 Volumen

09.02.06 19:08
Kurs bei USD 0,0004  

247 Postings, 6971 Tage zocker@all

09.02.06 20:16
greetz ihr leuts!
kurs ist immernoch bei 0,0003....
meint ihr ich sollte kaufen oder watren bis 0,0002 :-))))  

132 Postings, 7028 Tage Alf85news

09.02.06 20:34
 JUPITER Global Holdings, Corp. Announces Retaining of Valuators to Aid in Preparation for Being Acquisition or Merger Target

LAS VEGAS, NV -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 02/09/06 -- JUPITER Global Holdings, Corp. ("JUPITER" or the "Company") (OTC: JPHC) today announces that it has retained well respected valuation firm Evans & Evans (www.evansevans.com) to prepare an independent Valuation Report to aid the Company in its preparation for merger or being acquired.

As previously mentioned the Company's Board of Directors has authorized its management to commence preparations to develop a plan to become a target for acquisition or merger by a suitable strategic buyer. Having an independent fair market value report completed is a key step amongst the other preparations the Company is undertaking.

The Company feels retaining Evans & Evans as its valuator allows the Company to work towards attaining the best value for the shareholders in any potential merger or acquisition transaction.

The Board of Directors and management feel that upon completion of a cohesive plan to ready the Company for a possible acquisition, JUPITER will become a more attractive target to be acquired by, or merged with other companies that see JUPITER as an ideal candidate.


JUPITER Global Holdings, Corp. is a holding company with interests and developments in a diverse number of growing industries. JUPITER plans to achieve a leadership position through the building of a synergistic network of innovative, profitable and global businesses.

Statements contained herein that are not based on historical fact are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. JUPITER Global Holdings Corp. intends that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbor created thereby. Such forward-looking statements are based on current assumptions but involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause JUPITER Global Holdings Corp. actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from current expectations. These risks include economic, competitive, governmental, technological and other factors discussed in JUPITER Global Holdings Corp. applicable public filings on record with the Securities and Exchange Commission which can be viewed at its website at http://www.sec.gov

Please visit our website: www.jupiterglobal.net

For more information please contact:
JUPITER Global Shareholder Services
Phone: 1.800.963.6532
Email Address: Email Contact

Kurs aktuell bei USD 0,0003
Volumen  408,343,890

Hier wird sich bald was tun :-)


132 Postings, 7028 Tage Alf85na so langsam wirds doch! ;-) o. T.

10.02.06 18:25
LAS VEGAS, NV -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 02/10/06 -- JUPITER Global Holdings, Corp. ("JUPITER" or the "Company") (OTC: JPHC) today provides additional information regarding its current corporate plans.

In response to numerous inquiries the Company provides the following additional information to its shareholders:

The Company is in serious preparations to ready a plan to be acquired or merged. As previously announced the Company's Board of Directors has authorized its management to commence preparations to develop a plan to become a target for acquisition or merger by a suitable strategic buyer.

An independent fair market value report by the recently retained firm Evans & Evans gives the Company the opportunity to better understand its worth and therefore strive to achieve the best value for the shareholders in any potential merger or acquisition transaction.

The website link for Evans & Evans can be better accessed via -- www.evansevans.com/services/services.htm

The plans to prepare the spin-off of the Company's entertainment interests are progressing well with results expected in the upcoming weeks. As developments are finalized, terms of the spin-off will be provided. This spin-off plan is also one of the key steps for the Company preparations in becoming an attractive acquisition or merger target.

Numerous steps are underway in the execution of Company's current corporate plans, and as significant results are achieved the Company will provide further announcements.

The Board of Directors and management feel that upon completion of a cohesive plan to ready the Company for a possible acquisition, JUPITER will become a more attractive target to be acquired by, or merged with other companies that see JUPITER as an ideal candidate.

KURS USD 0,0004
bei 160,038,785 Volumen  

15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21Ja :)

12.02.06 13:14
Jetzt aber sofort kaufen. Lange wird JPHC auf diesem Niveau nicht mehr zu haben sein.


1296 Postings, 8709 Tage SchwarzerHengstHi Calibra

14.02.06 13:18
Weist Du vielleicht wann Jupiter wieder in Berlin handelbar ist ? Hab mir vorsorglich mal gestern einige in USA zugelegt.

1296 Postings, 8709 Tage SchwarzerHengstDas ist der Renner von heute ! o. T.

14.02.06 14:38

15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21Hi

14.02.06 14:42
JPHC wird in Berlin handelbar sein sobald JPHC ins OTCBB zurückkehrt.

Als Pinksheet wird das nichts.  

13 Postings, 6971 Tage konquilos geht's ...

16.02.06 17:31
% Change:


1296 Postings, 8709 Tage SchwarzerHengst@calibra

17.02.06 10:21
Frage an Dich:
1,weist Du circa wann in Berlin handelbar
2,kann ich mir die Aktien von USA nach Deutschland dann verlegen lassen, damit ich in Berlin auch handeln kann


15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21hi

17.02.06 10:38
zu 1. Normalerweise wird JPHC nach dem Aufstieg zum OTCBB in Berlin wieder zugelassen.

zu 2. Bin mir unsicher. Müßte von Bank zu Bank verschieden sein.  

74 Postings, 6965 Tage JsCsfrage

24.02.06 11:26
wann wird die aktie wieder handelbar?????
gibts da irgendwo neue infos??  

15890 Postings, 8706 Tage Calibra21#99

24.02.06 11:32
Normalerweise wird JPHC nach dem Aufstieg zum OTCBB in Berlin wieder zugelassen  

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