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Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6110 Tage TerasHey, That's _My_ Money!

21.03.13 05:10
For Pete's sake with Peter Hug
Get the Big Picture view on gold, silver and other precious metals markets with Kitco Senior Analyst, Jon Nadler. With thorough analysis, get a sense of today's market as well as where it may be heading. Be in the lead.


Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6110 Tage TerasDies hier 'mal in RUHE anhören:

21.03.13 07:07


2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckmedvedev vergleicht die EU mit UdSSR

21.03.13 08:48
Mr Medvedev said the EU and Cyprus had acted “like an elephant in a China shop”.

“All possible mistakes that could be made have been made by them,” he added.

"We are living in the 21st century, under market economic conditions. Everybody has been insisting that ownership rights should be respected.”

Mr Medvedev also criticised the decision to freeze the Cypriot banking system, and not just withdrawals from troubled banks, warning that if this continued for any length of time it could “result in losses . . . even bury the whole banking sector of Cyprus. It will cease to exist,” he said.


The proposed bank levy, rejected by the Cypriot parliament on Tuesday, had a "clearly confiscatory, expropriating character," RIA quoted him as saying - remarks that echo earlier criticism by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

It was, Medvedev said, "absolutely unprecedented". 

"I can only compare it some of the decisions taken ... by Soviet authorities, who did not give a thought to the savings of the population."

Read FULL:

Alas, it is not just in Cyprus that the current failing status quo has become the USSR incarnate: one can see it in the central planning of the stock market, in the general approach toward the wealthy, in the absurd penetration of cronyism and the terminal corruption of the system.

And while we commiserate with the simple people of Cyprus (and soon everywhere else), who have for no fault of their own become the first pawns to be sacrificed in the systemic endspiel, we are grateful to Europe for proving us, once again, correct.

Because our only purpose with this media experiment has been to warn our readers that concentrating unlimited decision-making power in the hands of a very few conflicted individuals, without checks and without balances, always, always, ends in absolute disaster, bloodshed, and ultimately war.

Sadly, at this point there is nothing that can change the final outcome of what is an ongoing systemic failure. One can, at most, prepare as much as possible and hope for the best.
Cyprus ATMs Low On Cash, Credit Card Payments Refused; Medvedev Compares Europe To USSR
Cyprus ATMs Low On Cash, Credit Card Payments Refused; Medvedev Compares Europe To USSR

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckrussische goldreserven-silber adäquat

21.03.13 14:18

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckSilver Slams Higher As Bitcoin Hysteria Shifts

21.03.13 17:48

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady lucklink got lost

21.03.13 17:50

29811 Postings, 8567 Tage Tony FordSilver Slams Higher As Bitcoin Hysteria Shifts

21.03.13 20:29
coole Analyse, mal zufällig einen Punkt herausgepickt, der gerade in den Kram passte.

Nur wo bleibt die Flucht in EMs in den letzten Monaten und Quartalen?
Und wie hat im Vergleich der Bitcoin performt?

Also demnach müsste man wohl eher die Flucht in den Bitcoin vermuten, der um mehr als 1000% zulegen konnte, während Gold und Silber stagnierten.

Ich käme jedoch niemals auf die Idee aus dieser Performance heraus darauf zu schließen, wohin die Flucht geht.  

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckCIA sammelt Daten

21.03.13 22:57
das establishment weiß aufgrund unserer postings sicherlich ganz genau über unsere wahren identitäten bescheid und wer bereits wieviel anonym physisch erworbenes edelmetall besitzt!
CIA Tech Boss on Your Data: ‘We Fundamentally Try To Collect Everything and Hang Onto It Forever’ |
Discussing the goldmine of data that today's technology has created, the Central Intelligence Agency's Chief Technology Officer Ira "Gus" Hunt on Wednesday said the spy agency tries to "collect everything we can and hang onto it forever."  Hunt was speaking at GigaOM's Structure:D ...

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckzypern haircut version 3

21.03.13 23:04
EU Weighs 40% Haircut On Uninsured Cypriot Deposits In Bad-Bank

More details are appearing on the latest and greatest plan in the shambles to solve Cyprus' (and Europe's unsolvable) problem. It appears the European Group is implicitly declaring economic war on the 'wealthy' depositors (we noted here non-domestic depositors dominated recent inflows [5]) as these headlines hit:

We assume followed rapidly by some eurozone law-breaking capital controls to stop the remaining 60% flooding out instantaneously...  

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6110 Tage TerasDie EU testet die Protest-Schwelle in Zypern:

22.03.13 03:00
Mar. 21, 2013 7:30pm
It Begins: Unrest Hits Cyprus, Police Scuffle With Protesters
By Becket ADAMS:

"After Cyprus announced Wednesday that its banks would remain closed until an undecided time next week, it was only a matter of time before tensions between the people and the state escalated into psychical confrontation. And it looks like it has begun"...

SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE  dieses Ausschnitts und des Weiterlesens dann HIER:



Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6110 Tage TerasPolizei auf Hausfrauen-Jagd:

22.03.13 03:08


Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6110 Tage TerasThe €uro may be doomed...

22.03.13 04:22
Euro may be doomed whether Cyprus stays or goes - Darrell Delamaide's Political Capital - MarketWatch
The European Union and its currency may be doomed no matter how the Cyprus crisis is resolved, writes Darrell Delamaide. After this week, no one can trust Brussels or Berlin.


2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luck22. märz amazing day

22.03.13 09:18

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6110 Tage TerasDer Russische PATE Beresowski ist tot.

24.03.13 02:42
Wahrscheinlich wird man in der MainStream-Presse jetzt wieder lesen, er sei ein "Oligarch" und, natürlich, ein ehrbarer PUTIN-Gegner, also kein Krimineller gewesen. - Die Réalität ist aber doch wohl eher die, dass Boris BERESOWSKI ein KRYSCHA (wörtlich: "Dach"), Schutz-Patron oder schlicht PATE gewesen ist, an den die Oligarchen zu ZAHLEN hatten! - Als die Zahlungen schließlich ausblieben, hatte er mangels eigener seriöser Geschäfts-Tätigkeiten kein Geld mehr, musste seine Freunde sogar um das Geld von einfachen FLUG-Tickets anbetteln. - Der Mann ist jetzt tot, und wie es heißt, starb er durch Selbstmord:
Russischer Oligarch Beresowski ist tot - Politik Ausland -
Der russische Oligarch Boris Beresowski ist tot, er starb in London. Sein Anwalt spricht von Selbstmord.


Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6110 Tage TerasCash is KING:

24.03.13 18:18
As Cypriots' Confidence Wavers, Cash Is King -
As Cyprus ended its sixth day without open banks on Thursday, the economy was on a crash cash-based diet, with people's purchasing power increasingly limited to the amounts they are able to withdraw daily from ATMs.


2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckkrankreich frankt

27.03.13 21:56
Crisis in France: Hollande Failing to Handle Unemployment - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
France has long had a chronic problem with unemployment, but the current jobless rate is especially dismal. The government has introduced several employment programs, but they're not taking effect quickly enough to convince the country things will get better.

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckHere We Go Again: Spain Says

27.03.13 22:00
2012 Budget Deficit "Will Be Bigger Than First Estimated"

Back in December 2011, Europe swooned and bond yields soared when it was shocked, shocked, to learn that Spain had been lying about its budget deficit all year, a number which was subsequently hiked several more times [7]. Then in 2012, to keep up with the pretense that things are better, Spain once again did what it does best: fudged numbers, this time desperate to make it appear that its actual government deficit was better than expected because one had to 'obviously' exclude all those items that are not part of the government spending... like payments for its broke provinces, or indirect funding for its broke banks. Now it turns out that in addition to fudging the definition of "budget", Spain was, surprise surprise, lying once again. From Bloomberg [8]: "The Spanish government said its 2012 budget deficit will be bigger than first estimated after the European Union requested changes in how tax claims are computed. The budget shortfall excluding aid to the banking sector was 6.98 percent of gross domestic product last year, more than the 6.74 percent predicted on Feb. 28, Deputy Budget Minister Marta Fernandez Curras told reporters in Madrid today. That compares with 8.96 percent in 2011."


Spain is seeking an extension from other euro-region governments to reorder its public finances as Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy says output may shrink more in 2013 than the 0.5 percent he initially predicted. That’s a third of the contraction forecast by the International Monetary Fund. Spain is due to submit budget plans through 2014 to the European Commission next month.

Naturally, 2013 is already off to a "good" start:

The central government’s deficit for the first two months of the year widened to 2.22 percent of GDP from 1.95 percent last year, according to data calculated using the new methodology, Curras said.

How long, one wonders, until that number too is revised higher?

In the meantime, we await patiently to learn just how much more cash Europe will be handing over to Spanish banks. The same cash it refused to hand over to the Cypriots, and to prove that in the European animal house, one's "equality" is directly proportional to one's systemic collapse risk:

Eurostat, the EU statistics office, told Spain to compute tax refunds in its national accounting as and when they are claimed instead of waiting for the claims to be checked by tax authorities, Curras said. That means Spain must revise its budget-data series that starts in 1995, she said, without commenting on when the figures will be released.

“Bond markets need to know the country’s exact fiscal metrics,” Justin Knight, a London-based rates strategist at UBS AG, said by telephone. “It’s so difficult to tell what the real numbers are. We’ll have to wait for Eurostat’s release.”

The Budget Ministry delayed tax refunds in the fourth quarter as it intensified controls. Cash-basis data released this month by the national tax agency showed refunds surged 83 percent in January from a year ago after dropping 62 percent in December. Tax refunds declined an average of 7.9 percent in 2012, more than twice as much as in 2011.

“It is a bit of an accounting game,” said Ignacio Conde- Ruiz, a Madrid-based economist who works for the economic research institute Fedea.

You don't say. The bottom line, however, for Spain is quite clear:

The central government’s interest bill surged 15 percent last year to 26 billion euros, while tax receipts slumped 21 percent. The cost of servicing debt represented 30 percent of the taxes collected at the end of December, up from 20 percent a year earlier.
Here We Go Again: Spain Says 2012 Budget Deficit "Will Be Bigger Than First Estimated"

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckItalien sollte nicht unerwähnt bleiben...kleinig

27.03.13 22:03
keiten....langsam ist D umzingelt
 Scandal at the World’s Oldest Bank
    March 27 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg’s Robert Friedman reports on an Italian bank that tried to hide its losses and the subsequent derivatives deals to facilitate this fraud. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Market Makers." (Source: Bloomberg)

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckwas analysiert mein freund clive über silber

27.03.13 22:12
solide kaufen bei gegenwärtigen preisen oder nach dem motto "timing ist alles" zuschlagen wenn das kartell den letzten wasserfall inszeniert:

On its shorter-term 8-month chart we can see that after crashing a support level on heavy volume in the middle of February, the price has tracked sideways in a narrow range, with unfavorable volume indications, all of which implying that the pattern is a bear Flag. If it is it will break lower again soon, but for other reasons it should not drop all that far before it turns higher again, the chief one being that another break lower will take the silver price down into a zone of very strong support. So if it does break lower as expected it is unlikely that it will drop below $26.50 at the lowest, before it turns up.

see charts and more info here:  

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckYour bank may face a Cyprus-like meltdown, ...

30.03.13 09:40
Your bank may face a Cyprus-like meltdown, but not Silver

By Dr. Jeffrey Lewis
The latest financial progression of currency devaluation, asset confiscation, capital controls and ultimately political upheaval seems to have become a slippery slope that could easily decimate whatever investment funds you may currently have placed in paper assets.

Furthermore, the recent threat to levy bank deposits as an alternative to providing bailout money that was proposed as a solution to the Cyprus banking crisis has left many depositors increasingly wary of placing the bulk of their wealth on deposit with increasingly shaky financial institutions.

Another notable risk to depositors is the possibility of the monetary authorities reneging on their support for deposit insurance corporations, such as the insurance currently provided on bank account balances up to a certainl limit by the privately-owned Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC in the United States.

Pushing back the risks

Based on an on-the-record statement by Eurogroup head JeroenDijsselbloem, that he admittedly later backed down from somewhat, the highly controversial Cyprus banking crisis proposal to levy depositors with troubled banks and effectively wipe out bank bondholders is part of the Eurogroup’s strategy of “pushing back the risks” onto those who have invested in, deposited with or operated such banks.

Such proposals offer a relatively convenient way for authorities to get around challenging parliamentary votes and allow them to impose more bail-ins, in this case at the expense of wealthier depositors holding over 100,000 euros.

Although Dijsselbloem later backtracked on the idea that this bank levy strategy might be a template applied to other troubled European Union banks by subsequently claiming that the especially worrisome strategy was instead “tailor made” for Cyprus, the financial markets were understandably concerned about the Eurogroup’s proposal.

EU politics

Despite the reportedly large Russian deposits currently being held in Cypriot banks, Cyprus and Russia have been old enemies.

Furthermore, most of the European Union’s member nations have historically had a tumultuous co-existence, and intra-European relations have been repeatedly strained by war and other traumatic geopolitical issues. Attempting to unitethese culturally diverse nations against a common or new enemy is an old tactic.

Nevertheless, this reckless attempt to implement a Cyprus banking rescue reveals not only the political nature of the crisis, but also the apparent depth of ignorance that monetary leaders like Dijsselbloem often demonstrate.

To an outside observer, this seems almost as absurd as Japan drawing a line in the sand with China in what could only be a form of geopolitical posturing.

Currency devaluations

Most of the major economies are presently engaged in a policy driven race to debase their national currencies in the name of boosting exports, but which is unofficially being performed to reduce the value of their increasingly overwhelming sovereign debt.

Devaluing a national currency for these reasons tends to be a defensive posture. It also typically has the effect of putting everyone concerned on edge, as differences become inflamed and old stories about what could happen become exaggerated.

Currency debasement is something like a trade tariff, but worse, because it is all inclusive and affects just about everyone who has dealings in that currency, not just a specific industry or those involved in an import/export business.

Capital controls, earthquakes and financial meltdowns

The effect on the foreign exchange market of the imposition of capital controls is that it tends to magnify the importance of the declared legal tender. Furthermore, citizens of the affected country become financial captives of their state, as capital controls tend to result in monetary policies that lack wisdom, common sense and humanity.

At the base of the problem is typically a paper currency that also happens to be a commodity with little to no intrinsic worth, that produces virtually no interest or dividend and which is only backed by the promises of a sovereign nation whose monetary policies seem inhumane to the middle class, the poor and the elderly.

Overall, storing precious metals like silver to use as hard currency during surprise ‘banking holidays’ and other financial meltdowns — as well as in the aftermath of severe earthquakes or other natural disasters — seems a prudent course of action in today’s uncertain world.
Commodity Online is the largest global news and information provider on bullion, energy and agricultural commodities. The portal gives trading tips

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckkurzer rückblick: gold/silver entwicklung 2010-xx

03.04.13 19:41
History will look back at the artificially high silver to gold ratio of the past century as an anomaly, caused by the dollar bubble and the world being deceived into believing that fiat currencies are real money, when in fact they’re all an illusion. This fiat currency experiment will end badly in a currency crisis. The wealthiest people will be those who bought silver today and were smart enough to research and pick the best silver mining stocks and warrants.

Indeed, while gold’s meteoric rise still has room to run, silver’s run is yet to get started. As such, it certainly appears evident that now is the time to buy all things silver.

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckunethisch und illegal

03.04.13 20:06
kann der abgesprochene und orchestrierte dump bei gold und silber bezeichnet werden;
gestern gab es bei gold synchron ein downgrade von drei grossbanken für 2013/14, tags drauf der smash auf $ 1550 (abgesehen vom beliebten SL abräumen wird noch sicherheit in die fiat geprägte finanzwelt suggeriert); währenddessen verkauft jpm, fed, scottia mocatta uvm physische gold- und silberbestände tonnenweise an russland, china und indien (3 der BRICS staaten - basteln ja an "eigener" weltbank mit goldstandard)...ohne weiteren kommentar.
im übrigen sehe ich silber bei $ 26,xx am boden angelangt, auf diesem level können die commercials ihre bislang profitablen shortpositionen auflösen!

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady lucktürkei: silberimporte plus 31%

03.04.13 20:13
Turkey was the fourth-biggest gold consumer in 2012, according to the London-based World Gold Council. Bullion averaged $1,593.62 an ounce last month and is trading about 17% below the record nominal high of $1,921.15 set ...

Silver imports advanced to 6.19 tons in March, the most since January, according to the bourse. The nation imported 142.2 tons last year. Silver averaged $28.8157 in March, the lowest since July and remains well below the record nominal high of nearly $50/oz seen in April2011.
Turkey’s Silver Imports Surge 31% and Gold Imports Climb to 8 Month High
Since 1995, publishes the leading gold news commentaries, gold market updates and reports providing gold investors with the most updated gold and silver prices, news & precious metals information!

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckjetzt fehlt eigentlich nur noch die FED

03.04.13 20:33
ankündigung der QE-lockerung!
würde passen um die $26 zu unterfahren und schnell mal SL auszulösen und bei folgenden panikverkäufen ein letztes mal günstiges silber zu stehlen.
ready for another monsterbox?  

2682 Postings, 4820 Tage lady luckBRICS: endet die unipolare welt / $ hegemonie

03.04.13 20:49

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