BIOPHAN(541861)- Die Post geht ab!!!

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Neuester Beitrag: 09.04.04 13:30
Eröffnet am:05.01.04 09:08von: CarpmanAnzahl Beiträge:284
Neuester Beitrag:09.04.04 13:30von: ByblosLeser gesamt:19.027
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4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanBIOPHAN(541861)- Die Post geht ab!!!

05.01.04 09:08
Mit Biophan scheinen wir eine neue Perle am Nanotech-Himmel zu haben!

Am Freitag stieg der Kurs um mehr als 40% nach mehreren guten Meldungen- u.a. eine Kooperation mit Boston Scientific, die Biophan den Weltmarkt erreichen lässt!
Biophan entwickelt Schichten auf Nanobasis, die vielseitig einsetzbar sind. Als vielversprechendster Bereich wird die Verwendung in der Kernspintomographie angesehen. Mit ihrer Hilfe können sich auch Patienten mit Herzschrittmachern auf diese Art behandeln lassen!!

Hier sind dreistellige Kursgewinne möglich! MK bei etwa 25Mio.!


4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanKeiner eine Meinung dazu?

05.01.04 09:33
In Berlin über 35% im Plus, in Frankfurt noch zum Referenzkurs zum US-Kurs zu haben!


312 Postings, 7689 Tage CokieSchrott o. T.

05.01.04 10:28

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanNein, Nanotech-Perle mit über 35% im Plus!;-) o. T.

05.01.04 10:34

4494 Postings, 7627 Tage falke65Carpman

05.01.04 10:43
du musst hier rein schreiben dass die aktie abgeht bevor sie wirklich abgeht und nicht wenn die schon über 40% in plus ist..
dass nüzt uns nicht..
ich doch nicht blöd und steige jezt noch ein..
grsuu falke65  

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage Carpmanfalke65

05.01.04 10:49
Wenn du dir mal den Langfristchart in USA anschaust, siehst du, dass dies jetzt der Ausbruch aus einem langen Abwärtstrend sein könnte! Somit ist allein charttechnisch jetzt Luft nach oben! Dieser Kurssprung ist in den letzten Wochen durch sehr gute News untermauert worden (v.a. Boston Scientific-Deal). Die akt. MK liegt bei unter 30Mio., was für ein derartiges Nanotech-Unternehmen absolut wenig ist. Ach ja, nachbörslich hat der Kurs in USA nochmals zugelegt!

Wollen wir eine kleine Wette eingehen: Mind. $0,70 Ende des Monats?!


4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanHier zwei unabhängige Einschätzungen zu Biophan:

05.01.04 10:59
WKN 541 861
Die kleine BIOPHAN steht in den kommenden Jahren vor einer Gewinnexplosion! Zum Hintergrund: Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, verschiedene medizinische Produkte für die MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)-Technologie kompatibel zu machen. So soll zum Beispiel eine Kernspintomographie auch für Patienten mit Herzschrittmachern möglich werden. Die Strahlenbelastung bei der detaillierten Untersuchung war bislang zu groß für die sensiblen Geräte. Das kleine Biotech-Unternehmen hat inzwischen einen Überzug entwickelt, der die Herzschrittmacher vor Strahlungseinflüssen schützt.BIOPHAN hat inzwischen einen Überzug entwickelt, der die Herzschrittmacher vor Strahlungseinflüssen schützt. Noch befindet man sich in frühen Phasen der klinischen Forschung, doch das Marktpotenzial wäre riesig: Rund 5 Mio. Menschen leben weltweit mit einem Herzschrittmacher, 50% davon allein in den USA. Mit BOSTON SCIENTIFIC hat mittlerweile auch ein Großer der Branche das vorhandene Potenzial erkannt, Anfang des Monats gaben die beiden Unternehmen bekannt, zukünftig gemeinsam die Entwicklung vorantreiben zu wollen.

Damit konnte BIOPHAN einen ganz großen Fisch an Land ziehen, der neben der Erfahrung in der Produktentwicklung auch jede Menge Distributionswege für eine spätere Vermarktung mitbringt! Und das wird sich unter dem Strich dann auch kräftig auszahlen: In den kommenden drei Jahren reduziert sich der Verlust je Aktie von aktuell USD 0.13 auf 0.02, ab 2007 verdient man dann richtig gutes Geld! 4 Cents Gewinn/Aktie sollen dann unter dem Strich stehen bleiben, per 2008 erwartet man eine Gewinnversiebenfachung auf USD 0.28/Aktie, im Folgejahr sollen dann sogar USD 0.73 verdient werden! Legt man eine durchschnittliche Bewertung für Medizintechniker von rund 20 zu Grunde, könnte der Kurs in 5 Jahren bei rund USD 15 stehen – aktuell können Sie die Aktie für gerade einmal 38 Cents kaufen, nachdem der Titel Ende 2001 schon über USD 6 kostete! Zugegeben, das Unternehmen hat bis zu einer Marktzulassung noch einen weiten Weg vor sich. Mit einem der führenden Medizintechniker an der Seite könnten die Voraussetzungen für ein erfolgreiches Ende des Forschungsprogramms aber besser nicht sein. Visionäre Anleger, die sich auch des Risikos bewusst sind, können mit etwas Spielgeld diese siedendheiße Story wagen. Geht die Rechnung des Unternehmens auf, winken bei diesem Langfristinvestment sensationelle Gewinne!

Das ist noch besser, eben erst gesehen:

-biophan ist ein Medizintechnikunternehmen, das sich darauf spezialisiert hat, die Kernspintomographie sicherer zu machen
-die Kernspintomographie ist ein Untersuchnungsverfahren , mit dem Bilder aus dem Körperinneren gewonnen werden
-im Gegensatz zum Röntgen arbeitet diese nicht mit energiereichen Röntgenstrahlen, sondern mit einem starken Magnetfeld
-bisher keine Feststellung von Nebenwirkungen
-das Problem sind Metallteile im Körper (Zahnersatz, Schmuck, Hörgerät), welche vor der Untersuchung abgelegt werden müssen
-durch die Radiowellen könnte es bei Menschen mit Herzschrittmachern zu Herzversagen führen, deshalb ist bei diesen die Kernspintomographie verboten

Überzug schützt Implantate

-Biophan hat nun einen Überzug entwickelt, der Patienten mit Herzschrittmachern auch eine Kernspintomographie ermöglicht
-Überzug besteht aus schlecht leitenden Nanopartikeln und einer isolierenden Grundsubstanz, Radiowellen werden reflektiert, das eine Aufladung des Herzschrittmachers verhindert wird

-Kooperation mit dem Medizintechniker Boston Scientific am 05.11.2003
-jährlich ca. 30mio Untersuchungen mit Kernspintomographie
-ca. 700.000 Menschen müssen aufgrund eines Herzschrittmachers auf diese Untersuchung verzichten
-der nanotechnologische Überzug soll diesen Menschen helfen
-mit der Zulassung dieses Überzuges dauert es noch Jahre, aufgrund der klinischen Phasen
-erwarteter Break Even im Jahr 2007, 4cent je Aktie
-rasant steigende Umsätze und Gewinnschätzung im Jahre 2008 bei 0,28$ je Aktie


-vielversprechende Produkte
-nur als spekulative Depotbeimischung geeignet, da noch frühe Entwicklungsphase
-allerdings herausragende langfristige Aussichten mit entsprechenden Kurspotential


4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanDer Hammer: 63.000St. zu 0,53€ im bid!

05.01.04 14:54
und keiner verkauft!

Best Bid
 Volumen Taxe
 -  0,53  

Kauf Orders
 Stücke Limit
  63.000  0,53  
  9.000  0,52  
  2.435  0,45  
  800  0,44  
  3.000  0,43  
Weitere: 4  
  Best Ask
Taxe Volumen  
-  -    

Verkauf Orders
Limit Stücke  
-  -    
-  -    
-  -    
-  -    
-  -    
Weitere: 0  

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanLeute, bereits wieder +35% in USA! Panikkäufe!;-) o. T.

05.01.04 15:30

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage Carpman$0.67/0.69 o. T.

05.01.04 15:44

87 Postings, 7496 Tage harrisan@carpman

05.01.04 20:11
Ich kann Dir nur zustimmen und bin auch schon dabei - heute bei 0,44 rein und einen kleinen Teil dann wieder mit 0,50 raus. Den Rest kann man wirklich liegen lassen, da ich auch der Meinung bin, dass sich da in absehbarer Zeit was tut. Vor allem wenn man bedenkt wer da alles als Geldgeber im Hintergrund steht.  

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanHier eine schönes Zusammenfassung (aktuell):

06.01.04 12:48

Current Issue:
2nd highest trading day ever 1/5/04-8,078,800 follows
3rd highest trading day ever 1/2/04-4,274,757
New high since last February 2003= $.73 on 1/5/04

Latest Publications:
12/29/03 Analyst calls BIPH in TOP 5 PICKS for 2004
12/23 PR on 12/17 publication both below

Authorized Shares: 80mil
10/31 46mil outstanding, 400 shareholders approx.
13 mil est held by insiders;33 million float
Options/warrants/debt=14mil reserved
Financing= The 20mil remaining of the Authorized available
If the stock price rises will not need to use up 20mil.

Patents: 51 filed to be issued: 3 licensed

Markets announced:
Pacemaker/ICD's related = $4 billion market place
Stents/Guidewires related = $4 billion market place
Newly announced in December 2003
Artificial limbs = $2 billion market place

New products released:
NanoView Technology-Dec 17th, 2003

Stock Section:52 week high $1.15 ;low $.10

Top 8 highest volume days ever:
January 5th-2004-Momentum on resistance breakout-8.1 mil
January 2nd-2004-Broke key resistance areas-4.3 mil
December 10th-2003-Nano Conference-2.4 mil
December 9th-2003-Nano Conference-2.1 mil
November 6th-2003-BSX announcement-3.8 mil
November 5th-2003-BSX announcement-8.8 mil
September 29th-2003-2.4 mil
September 26th-2003-2.2 mil
September 25th-2003-BIPH discovered by RB members-2.3 mil

BSX announcement on 11/05/03:

Local Press:

Very Bullish-Especially mid to long-term

Independent Chart Analysis-Investor has no interest -See below he was right on target-We broke 50 and ran to 73 so far.

Biph RB poster charts:

2004 Strategic Initiatives-Dec 19th 2003:
Objectives Call for Further Innovation, Market Expansion and Significant Growth

"We are enthusiastic about our early successes and the milestones we have achieved to date. Most importantly, Biophan looks forward to substantial growth in revenues, earnings and, ultimately, in shareholder value."


Jan 21st 2004-Investor Council-Medical Device Makers

Feb 13th-14th-SCMR Conference
http://www.scmr(type dot)org

Feb 24th-25th-Investment in Innovation Conference 2004

March 25th-30th-SIR Conference
http://www.sirweb(type dot)org/annualMeeting/2004_Exhibitors_Prospectus.pdf

Companies presentation from website:
I think it is very good. Sums it up well.

Latest 12/03:

Prior to 12/03

Audio presentation from 11/21 Conference:
Click on the link below and after the conference begins you need to skip through the opening comment. The BIOPHAN piece is from about the 29 minute to the 38 minute of the 1 hour presentation.

Key Notes from Current SB/424b filing:

Page 8:
"On September 25, 2003, we entered into a development agreement with Boston Scientific Corp., a biomedical device company. We are also developing relationships with other potential partners".

We have identified a core group of potential customers/development partners for our technology and continue to meet with these companies on a regular basis. We are obligated by confidentiality and nondisclosure agreements with the companies we are speaking with concerning potential relationships. This is from Page 21.

Also, more on BSX and others on page 21.
Consistent with our business strategy, on September 25, 2003, we entered into a development agreement with Boston Scientific Corp., a medical device manufacturer, to develop MRI capability for one of their products. The terms of this development agreement are confidential. Additionally, our negotiations with other biomedical device manufacturers and our evaluation of their proposals is continuing.

Our goal is to enter into a development arrangement with several or more of these entities whereby each entity would provide financial and research support to further the commercialization of our technologies. In addition to seeking development arrangements with potential partners, we will continue to

Page 22

expand our technology portfolio by seeking to acquire complementary technologies through licensing arrangements with other third parties. Key members of our management team have and will continue to attend and present technical papers at industry trade conferences and to leaders in the pacing and medical device arena.

More deals are going to be signed on Page 27

All of these potential business relationships are being pursued with the interest of funding the remaining development work, supporting necessary clinical trials and approvals, and ultimately resulting in a license for manufactured products with royalties coming to Biophan. Consistent with our business strategy, on September 25, 2003, we entered into a development agreement with Boston Scientific Corp., a medical device manufacturer, to develop MRI capability for one of their products. The nature and terms of this development agreement are confidential. Additionally, our negotiations with other biomedical device manufacturers and our evaluation of their proposals is continuing. This is from page 27.

Page 29-Companies want to license already

"To date, we have received licensing interest in our technology from pacemaker, guidewire and neurological device companies, but we have not yet entered into any licenses for the technology".

2 Big developmental deals on Page 31 and 32

2 different deals to cover a larger group of devices(this opens huge licensing potential)

Biophan has entered into a development agreement with the UB Business Alliance (at the University of Buffalo). The objective of the first phase of this collaboration focused on developing the means to shield implanted medical devices, such as a catheter, from the harmful effects of MRI. The second phase of this collaboration is focusing on improving the shielding technology developed in phase one by optimizing the formulation through the use of a magnetic additive. The technology being developed by this collaboration consists of small carbon materials manufactured in a flexible polymer support. Major activities include development of optimally performing mixtures of carbon and polymer materials and the application of these optimal formulations to medical devices. Under the terms of the agreement for phase one of the collaboration, we paid $23,375 toward the total project cost of $42,994. All aspects and obligations of phase one have been completed and satisfied. Biophan will pay $31,922 toward the total phase two project cost of $50,539 in four equal installments of $7,980.50. The initial amounts were paid August 15, 2003 and October 24, 2003, and subsequent installments are due and payable as follows: January 31, 2004 and a final payment within 30 days of the receipt of the final project report. Phase two of this collaboration is expected to be completed in August of 2004.

Biophan has also entered into agreements with Alfred University. The objective of this collaboration is to develop the means to shield implanted medical devices, such as pacemaker leads, from the harmful effects of MRI and to resolve image artifacts in medical devices such as guidewires, stents, pacing leads and other medical devices. The technology being developed by this collaboration consists of nano-magnetic materials and the processes used to apply these materials as uniform, thin-film coatings. Major activities include the development of optimal nano-magnetic coating formulations, delivery of coated pacemaker leads, the delivery of coated guidewires and

Page 32

other devices suitable for testing, processes for applying these formulations to medical devices, and the testing of these devices in an MRI system. This collaboration also provides Biophan with access to expensive, thin-film coating equipment considered essential to the development of effective nano- magnetic MRI shielding materials. Biophan has paid Alfred University $127,200 to date for these services.

While the objectives of the two collaborations are similar (i.e. the development and evaluation of MRI shielding materials), it should be understood that each collaboration is developing a different technology. The success of these collaborations would provide Biophan with multiple solutions to the MRI safety problem. Biophan considers this to be very important, since the MRI shielding requirements differ by product type, and having multiple solutions would enable us to apply our technologies to a broader range of products.

PG 32-Why BIPH will continue to have an edge

The inventor of the nanomagnetic shield technology, Dr. Xingwu Wang, at Alfred University, New York, has applied for an additional nine US patent applications covering further improvements extensions to that technology; these will also be licensed exclusively to Biophan for medical markets.

Page 34 -More on deals being work on right now.

"We are currently having discussions, under confidentiality agreements, with manufacturers of primary device components such as pacemaker leads, as well as manufacturers of complete systems, concerning their use of this technology. Ongoing research, test, and evaluation activities in nanomagnetic shielding are being done internally, and in conjunction with Dr. Wang (the inventor of the technology) at Alfred University, and Dr. Chung at the University of Buffalo".

Page 40-42-Talks about Potential Partners-J&J etc.
or licensee. They could become competitors. But BIPH feels they are in a very advanced phase and have the best solution.

We anticipate that we will license our technology to one or more development partners who would be responsible to develop commercial products, obtain necessary approvals, manufacture, market and distribute the products.

Page 41

We expect our search for development partners will be global, although our current efforts are focused on the U.S. operations of certain multi-national companies. However, we can not presently identify or predict the precise target markets, distribution methods or other marketing efforts of our potential development partners.


There are a number of major companies engaged in the development of medical devices some of which may be investigating MRI safe options. However, to the best of our knowledge none of these companies, nor other companies that serve as their suppliers, have successfully developed technology enabling implantable medical devices to be operated in the presence of MRI equipment. We believe that in order to commercialize our technologies we will have to enter into a development or licensing agreement with one or more of the companies engaged in the development of medical devices.

Currently, the major providers of active medical devices contraindicated for MRI include the following companies:

Medtronic Incorporated is a leading manufacturer of cardiac rhythm management, cardiovascular and other medical devices. The company has a dominant position in cardiac pacemakers, is the leading manufacturer of implantable cardiac defibrillators, and is a major player in most other device markets in which it competes.

Guidant Corporation is also a leading manufacturer of cardiac rhythm management devices such as cardiac pacemakers, implantable cardiac defibrillators, interventional cardiology devices (including coronary stents), and other cardiac and vascular surgery devices and instruments.

St. Jude Medical, Inc. is a global developer, manufacturer, and distributor of medical device products for cardiac rhythm management, cardiology and vascular access. Other products include mechanical and tissue heart valves and vascular closure devices.

Boston Scientific Corporation is the world's largest medical device company dedicated to less-invasive therapies. The Company's products and technologies are designed to improve surgical procedures and improve patient response, and involve a range of interventional tools and procedures.

Johnson & Johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. In addition to OTC and home healthcare products, they provide a wide variety of pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and surgical products.

We do not consider the above companies to be direct competitors, although they may possibly be developing MRI safe solutions for their own product lines. Rather, they may have interest in adopting one or more of our

Page 42

technologies into their products. Various first and second tier suppliers to these companies may be directly affected by either the photonic or shielding technologies we plan to commercialize, and since to the best of our knowledge none of them has satisfactory solutions to MRI issues, they are potential additional or alternative prospects for commercializing our technology.

Manufacturing and Component Strategy

We are developing technology for MRI safety and image compatibility which will be licensed to leading biomedical device manufacturers. We do not plan to manufacture any product or component on our own. We may provide critical components and coating devices sourced from third parties and resold to our customers.

Spectrum Agreement. Good till July 11,2005. Value $3.0mil.(Certain clauses allow up to $10mil). BIPH can sell shares at 80% of prior 3 day average daily volume. So, if 50 cents. Spectrum pays 40 cents. That's why we have had a little pressure on slow days from the financing company(They make money if they sell as they receive financing shares). 8,960,000 registered(3,325,757issued at 11/21). Balance remaining 5,634,243. The issued shares only got the company 14-15 cents. But right now the company is getting closer to 25-30 cents as of 12/2/03. We hope that difference only gets better and thus less shares will need to be issued. Company very good on not abusing issued shares and keeping focused on business plan.

11/21 Finalized new financing agreement put together when stock was trading between 15-25 cents area. SBI agreement.
It's valued at 2.9 mil for operating purposes. I believe this is truly a back up plan.

It has 6 tranches and BIPH has no obligation to sell to SBI any shares but once they start a tranche they must complete it. They are 2mil at .15, 2mil at .20, 2mil at .25, 2 mil at .30, 2mil at .35, 1mil at .40 for an average of .264.

Not bad based on where they were trading and they needed a back up plan in case things took longer than planned or the markets reaction to the stock was not immediate. I think this agreement may never be completed and that at worst the terms will be upgraded. IMO. The market has reacted favorably to BSX news and has the stock trading between .29 and .49 cents.

Sleeper Products:
The other sleeper products they could release at
anytime is talked in detail about in the filing. Much is made about what they think they can get to the market fastest(MRI sheilding/coating of existing medical devices). But look closely.

"Our current research efforts are focused on demonstrating the feasibility of our coating and filtering solutions that we intend to license to medical device manufacturers. Initial tests of these solutions have been promising enabling us to have discussions with several companies regarding potential development arrangements." BSX is one.

Now for the sleepers:
1. "The fiber-optic lead has been tested in an MRI machine and does not heat up as do existing catheters that contain metal wires. We are exploring the use of this technology with third parties, under license, for use in deep brain stimulation applications, such as treating movement related disorders like Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. We have also received OEM licensing interest from several companies wishing to use the fiber-optic lead to power intraluminal coils. We are anticipating one or more R&D contracts to help finance the development of this product that is based upon Biophan's photonic technology platform."

2.We subcontracted the development and testing of a photonic temporary pacemaker device to Greatbatch Enterprises. This phase of the development work has been completed. The photonic temporary pacemaker is intended as a backup for patients who need MRI diagnosis but who already have an implanted pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD).

3.The HIV business:
During 2001, we entered into a Commercial Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the National Institutes of Health and the University of Rochester Cancer Center, wherein these organizations conduct research and development associated with the antisense technology. This allowed us to put our full resources into the development of the MRI safety improvements to biomedical products. In 2002, we decided to discontinue research and development of the HIV antisense technology and the CRADA was terminated. While the technology holds promise and has issued patents, we feel our most promising opportunity is in the MRI safe solutions we have developed and we intend to focus our research and development activities on that technology. We may sell the HIV antisense patents if an appropriate buyer can be identified.

4. The FDA has already approved for sale intra-luminal imaging catheters that utilize electrical leads to provide power to the microcoil and to carry received signals back to the MRI system. Biophan is in discussions with one company that has such a product, and we believe that our photonic technology will permit improvements in performance due to its inherent immunity to electromagnetic noise created by the MRI environment. We are under a non- disclosure agreement with this other company and it is our expectation that if we move forward to develop a photonic intraluminal imaging catheter, they will be responsible for regulatory approval and for marketing and sale of the product.

5. NanoView Technology-Announced Dec. 2003
"This technology may have a substantial impact on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other diagnostic imaging applications. NanoView could significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of these procedures. Consistent with its business strategy, Biophan is offering its NanoView technologies to organizations with established distribution and marketing channels. Biophan has had preliminary discussions with several organizations and there has been interest expressed in the technology and the benefits it provides. As such, we expect that NanoView technology may be a tremendous catalyst for Biophan's future growth," Weiner stated

Yes we are a NANO stock:
Picked to be speaker at 2003 NANO Commerce conference:

Investor websites have us in Key Nanostocks section:

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanAktuell Gewinnmitnahmen in USA! Einstiegschance!? o. T.

06.01.04 17:03

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanPerfekter Intraday-Turnaround:

06.01.04 23:15

Locale ID  09064V105
ISIN  US09064V1052
Symbol  BIPH
Börse  OTCBB
Aktueller Kurs    0,64  
Differenz abs.  +0,01
Differenz %  +1,60 %
Kurszeit    21:59  
Kursdatum  06. Jan 2004
Eröffnungskurs  0,65
Tageshöchstkurs  0,65
Tagesttiefstkurs  0,56
52 Wochen Hoch  1,15
52 Wochen Tief  -
Letzter Schlußkurs  0,62
Schlußkurs vom  05. Jan 2004
 Optionsscheine : 0
 Optionen : 0


4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanNeues Patent erhalten! PR von BIPH steht noch aus:

07.01.04 13:24

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanUSA wieder +20%!;-) o. T.

07.01.04 19:41

29 Postings, 7456 Tage DasSchafmittlerweile

07.01.04 21:40
denke ich nicht das es noch ratsam ist einzusteigen... soviel potential traue ich dem kurs nicht mehr zu... der aufwärtstrend scheint mir ein wenig zu übertrieben ...  

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage Carpman*lach*

07.01.04 21:46
Also da gibt es aber reihenweise Titel, die höher bewertet sind! Biophan ist IMMERNOCH quasi unentdeckt. Wenn man sich näher mit BIPH beschäftigt, wird man feststellen, dass diese Aktie ein riesiges Potential besitzt...!

Nächste Woche sehen wir den $1!!! Bin mir zu 99,9999% sicher!


4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanIm Moment in Berlin unter Referenzkurz zu haben! o. T.

08.01.04 09:40

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage Carpman@falke65

08.01.04 12:16
Du hattest doch am Montag kritisiert, ich hätte die Aktie empfehlen sollen, bevor sie hochgeht! Das habe ich doch gemacht! Montag war der Kurs bei 0,41€, jetzt bei 0,63€!!!
Und auch das ist erst der Anfang!;-)
Immernoch ein klares "strong buy"!


4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanDie Reise geht weiter: USA +5% o. T.

08.01.04 15:57

860 Postings, 7765 Tage Der Sack Mehlich hab se bei 0,33 empfohlen o. T.

08.01.04 16:05

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage Carpmandann bist ja auch gut dabei, DSM! o. T.

08.01.04 16:06

4313 Postings, 7555 Tage CarpmanDas dürfte weiteren Auftrieb geben:

08.01.04 22:20
Thought Leaders from the Medical Device Industry and International Investment Companies Converge at the '2004 Medical Device Forum' in New York City On January 15
1/8/2004 1:40:00 PM

NEW YORK, Jan 08, 2004 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The Consulate General of Sweden in New York today announced the final line-up of presenting companies at the 2004 Leadership Forum on Medical Devices, which takes place in New York City on January 15.

The forum will be hosted by Mr. Olle Wastberg, Consul General of Sweden in New York, and will take place at his residence at 600 Park Avenue. It will offer a broad overview of the international medical device industry as well as in-depth analysis of some of the upcoming new technologies in this field.

Speakers include Mr. Tomas Puusepp, President & CEO Elekta, Inc., Mr. Michael J. Neuberger, Managing Director, Investment Banking, SG Cowen Securities Corporation, Mr. Bengt Modeer, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Gambro AB and Mr. Michael Weiner, CEO of Biophan Technologies, Inc. (BIPH) .

45 specially invited industry executives, investors, analysts and representatives of business media are invited to attend. There are still a limited number of seats available to the public. To inquire about these, please email

Mr. Olle Wastberg issued the following statement: "The Medical Device industry is large and very important. We are very pleased to be able to host several world authorities on this industry at the 2004 Leader Forum in New York City on January 15."

   The event is arranged by the Consulate General of Sweden in New York.
   The conference is co-sponsored by Podholding, Elekta, Inc., and ISA.
   Updated information is available at

SOURCE The Consulate General of Sweden

Anders Dahlstrom or Magnus Gink at Elastic Agency,
+1-212-685-7090, or +1-917-861-0100,, for The
Consulate General of Sweden


205 Postings, 7440 Tage charttechnikad hoc

09.01.04 14:25

Biophan Technologies, Inc. (OTC BB: BIPH), an innovator, developer, and marketer of advanced biomedical technology, today announced that its licensor for nanomagnetic particle technologies has been issued a U.S. patent, which covers the use of nanomagnetic particle technology on medical devices including catheters, guidewires, and endoscopes, and other medical devices. The patent was issued to Nanoset, LLC, which has provided Biophan with the worldwide exclusive medical rights to the technology.

The nanotechnology patents are a subset of over 50 pending patents filed by Nanoset and Biophan and are a core driver of Biophan's strategic plan of creating and maintaining a dominant position in this important new growth area. Biophan and Nanoset have had additional patents allowed by the U.S. patent office and will announce these as they are issued. The patent can be viewed at

'Working with Nanoset, we have filed nine additional patent applications in this important area of nanotechnology, all focused on approving MRI imaging and safety for biomedical devices,'noted Michael Weiner, Biophan's chief executive officer. 'The newly issued patent includes 43 claims for sheaths and encapsulations which provide improved MRI safety and imaging quality, with minimal impact on existing manufacturing processes.'

Mr. Weiner concluded, 'This is the second U.S. patent issued to Nanoset, and expands the application of novel nanomagnetic shielding technology to surgical tools that today cannot effectively be used in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) environment.'

About Nanoset, LLC

Nanoset, LLC, based in East Rochester, NY, develops nanomagnetic particle coatings. Nanoset's research and development has been conducted with Alfred University, a world leader in ceramics and thin-film coatings. Nanoset and Biophan are jointly developing technologies for the medical device industry.


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